Steve Beattie Class 15

Discussion in 'Kits, Kit bashes & Scratch builds' started by Toto, May 12, 2018.

  1. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    My Class 15 arrived this morning courtesy of Steve Beattie Developments. I'll post a few pictures up later.


  2. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    And here we are .........

    nice looking loco very much in common with the look of the class 16. So ...... whats in the box.

    Internal cab parts.

    white metal bonnet noses and cab roofs.

    more white metal bogie parts and lost wax castings.

    we are on to the brass etches, bonnets etc.

    part of the cab ......

    and same again ..........

    more etchings for bogies, sub frame, exterior cab etc .......

    sub frame parts and grille etches .......

    and the last one is more bogie and misc detail.

    looks like another potentially nice kit.


  3. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    and the build thread will start :drums: :drums: :drums: :drums: :drums: ..........:facepalm:
  4. Keith M

    Keith M Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 16, 2015
    Nice looking kit, Tom. Time to get some white metal soldering practice in, methinks!:giggle:

  5. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 20, 2017
    Nice looking loco kit there Toto.:thumbs:
  6. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    Hi York Paul,

    There looks to be a reasonably significant amount of slot and tab construction in this which should assist the built hopefully. :thumbs:
  7. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    Nice looking kit Toto! Always fancied one myself, they've lots of character.
    Right, get cracked on with Nelly. Then get stuck in with some of these new kits!!!!!! :avatar:

    Cheer's, Pete.
  8. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    That's the Plan Pete.

    The biggest challenge ( I think ) with the Steve Beattie kits is the bogies. there is a lot of work in them and parts vary between brass, 3D printed and anything else he has chucked in. The main subframes are all brass and the parts of a reasonable size so should be easier to work with. there is plenty space to " get in to " the assemblies. There tends to be three main elements to his builds. The superstructure, the subframe and the bogies. They can be tackled in any order really from what I can see although I think the subframe would be first on my agenda as you can offer the bogies up to it to test for fit etc as you construct them. I could be wrong.

    Its amazing that once you have had the chance to view the kits in their constituent parts how they generally follow a theme in terms of how they have been designed. The exception to the rule would appear to be the Class 17 and to an extent the class 15 and 16 which follow the class 17's path. More so the bogies. The 22, 24, 25 and 29 are the other " grouping " to a reasonable degree.

    I think familiarisations grows confidence ( to a degree ).

    cheers for now

    jakesdad13 likes this.
  9. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017

    Everyone is building a SBt kit at the moment so after reading Steve's progress on his Class 15 I've decided to have a bash.

    Now, I'm aware that these kits are not necessarily for the beginner but what better a time to get " live " advice and assistance than when so many others are on the benches of other builders.

    I have in essence, three kits that will be chopped and changed between as my fancy takes me. An on going van kit, a connosueirs nelly kit and the SBt class 15.

    I'll hopefully be tackling the with a mixture of RSU soldering techniques and traditional soldering iron techniques. I will also be using a mixture of normal 60/40 solder and various pastes and creams. My idea is to tack pieces into position with the RSU and finish off longer fillets with a 40w Weller iron.

    I'll probably be in the shed tonight working out my plan of attack. Initial thoughts are starting on the footplate section and when my motors arrive tackling the bogies next. They do look simpler than the bogies on the Sultzers and the NBL class 21's what is what originally convinced me that I could have a crack at this.

    So ..... I'm about to fly in the face of all the great advice I've been given as to what kits to start on as a novice and plunge myself in right up to my orchestra stalls.

    Look out Mr Beattie ......... I'll be coming up your arse shortly ....... not literally of course.



    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  10. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 20, 2017
    The great thing about these diesel kits is they will give a builder a tremendous sense of satisfaction once completed, I don't have a Class 15 so cannot say but judging from the pics it looks relatively straight forward like the Clayton Class 17 which I have waiting its turn, now the great thing here is a new(ish) builder can cut their teeth learning the various differing techniques that are needed to "jig" the easier component parts such as body skeletons together, they can then progress to the more complex stuff like fuel tank carrier assemblies where a bit more lateral thinking is required. So a kit doesn't have to be a start to finish job it can be attempted in stages as the builder develops their own construction techniques, true several kits on the go at once may be seen as haphazard but as long as the parts and assemblies are kept safely together nothing much should go wrong. It all comes down to shape, with a steamer a boiler is a boiler and frames are frames so once formed that is the shape you get, with a diesel many of the curves and angles have transitions which extend over separate parts which is the main consideration a builder needs to be aware of when striving to get that "flow" of shape. Think of building Steve's kits as making a piece of sculpture and not as a build it by numbers Tamiya kit and you won't go far wrong and please don't let my mention of the word "art" put anybody off from having a go, trust me in the end you won't be disappointed with the result.
    Andy_Sollis and SBt like this.
  11. SBt

    SBt Full Member

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    Jul 3, 2018
    Digging out my steel plated undies! :eek:
    York Paul and Timbersurf like this.
  12. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
  13. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017

    I'm thinking here ..... yes .... not one of my strong points but I take the risk. :avatar: if when starting this build, and throughout the process, if there are any images taken that particularly captures a build element well, you could always use them in any potential amendments to your instructions .... Should there be the need for any. If the I ages are of good enough quality, they may enhance complement your 3D images. Just a thought.


  14. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    So it looks like I'll finally start this sucker then. It could be heading north to Dundee for the first assault. I'll rake out the kit, motors, gear sets along with the other tools and materials that will be required. The RSU will definitely be part of the kit along with a couple of spare rods.

    Grounding unit, magnets, clamps, bending jigs, files, sanding sticks, solders, fluxes, pastes, creams, pliers, knives ........ The list goes on and on. I'd better clear the boot of the car out on Friday night. I'll be needing the space.
    York Paul likes this.
  15. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 20, 2017
    In fact Toto why not just buy a big van and use it as a mobile model railway workshop. :avatar::avatar::avatar: Oh and don't forget a measuring rule, engineers square and scribing tool either.:thumbs:
  16. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    The van has been under consideration for some time now. :avatar: now ....... your bus with the seats taken out for storage would be ideal. :thumbs:
    Andy_Sollis, York Paul and Timbersurf like this.
  17. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    We'll, made it up to Dundee today albeit a bit later than expected. Made a start on the Class 15 and things generally went quite well and decent progress was made. You'll need to wait for the pictures as they were taken on Dundees camera. He het them up at some point.

    Hopefully I'll get a bit more done tomorrow.

    Cheers for now

    Rob Pulham, York Paul and SBt like this.
  18. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 20, 2017
    The bus is earmarked as storage for a new set of portable layout segments which I'd like to start at some point... I have a few ideas floating around but as usual its down to time.
    Andy_Sollis and jakesdad13 like this.
  19. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Well for the dis-believers, not only does Toto have a soldering iron, it actually works.

    Pour moi, and early start - I'll be there for half eight - nineish - ten thirty, I get a phone call I'm just out of bed, I'm on my way :whatever:

    First coffee still being consumed as our leader readies his new weapon

    Another first - he actually started to read the instructions, then shuffled the sheets and started on step 5 Chassis - Actually Steve Beatties kits are modular so the steps can be re-arranged to a certain extent.

    Cross beam bent up and soldered, then held in place with the securing nut and bolt

    And the bolt is in action again - I think its concentration, or is it constipation

    Next up the chassis valances

    Next up 4 x T sections assembled and fitted below the nose ends

    And he looks on wondering if this is they it's meant to be.

    Another interesting day, plenty of muttering as fingers were kept in contact for longer than it is wise to stay :avatar:

  20. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    And it's still holding together yet ........ :avatar: I'm going to have a look at the upper chassis next which is the bit that helps gives the structure a bit framing strength under the main bonnet. Then maybe the cab shell before going onto the bogies and bonnet vents.

    It looks ok and is pretty solid. Not too worried about the excess solder on the initial chassis frames as it won't be seen underneath. I will probably clean the worst off.


    York Paul likes this.

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