A new layout.

Discussion in 'Members Personal Layouts' started by jakesdad13, May 17, 2021.

  1. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    After some deliberation and with some sadness I've decided to give up on my layout Wheeldon Mill.
    These last few years and months I have noticed I'm not able to lift and shift things I once found a doddle. It may also mean the end of Thaxham too but I haven't decided on that yet.
    So, what next. I made a mental list, nothing in writing as I will chop and change things for certain as I go along!, first, it needs to be easily handled meaning simplicate and add lightness. Operated from the front and a seated position, I can't stand for any length of time, so that means point motors and auto couplers, my preferred type, Spratt and Winkle. Size, 8ft/2.4mtrs x 18in/45cm with two boards. Made from 9mm ply for top, ends and sides. I have already had the components cut for me by my local timber yard so hopefully nice and square.
    I have two points, one left, one wye and a double slip. I've also got some point kits I bought at the same time as KeithM so I've got some choice if necessary.
    The end will have a cassette fidlleyard within the layout. Plus I want a small wharf at the front.
    I spent an hour or two yesterday with the two board tops playing with the points and some track trying to get a workable plan and I think I've come up with something feasible.
    Anyway, a couple of dodgy photos that should give an idea of what I want to build.
    I'm going to do some work on the grey point and buy some more track but I hope you will get the drift on what I'm trying to achieve.

    Thanks for looking, cheers, Pete.
  2. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Great start Pete.

    On Another bridge 50mm thick Jabra expanded insulation foam - I got mine from B&Q, framed it with 12mm ply, very light and the ply keeps everything ridgid.

    Looking forward to part 2

    Toto, York Paul and jakesdad13 like this.
  3. Mark4mm

    Mark4mm Guest

    Sounds interesting Pete. I'm certain to be watching this build progress.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  4. Keith M

    Keith M Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 16, 2015
    Getting old gets to all of us after a while Pete, I can still get up to my loft layout ok presently but for how much longer? I've joked about how I'd get around the problem by buying one of the electric engine hoists that Lidl and Aldi sell from time to time, using a sling on the hook and lifting myself in or out of the loft........fortunately I built the new loft hatch using a full sized door cut in half widthways, one half hinges down to allow me to pull down the alloy loft ladder, the other half hinges up out of the way. It allowed me to easily get 8' x 4' sheets of ply up there so there should be plenty of space for my backside!:avatar::avatar::avatar:
  5. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 20, 2017
    Great start on the new layout idea Pete and I wish you well ... BTW are you fixed up for point motors ? I got a couple of Seep going spare with the capacitor, little blue chip and the power transformer if you need them they are yours. I use Cobalts which will be going on the Leek layout.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  6. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    Thanks Paul. To be fair I've never had much luck with Seeps, I prefer servos as they seem to have a gentler throw or maybe something like Fulgurex or Tortoise motors. At the moment I haven't made up my mind.

    York Paul likes this.
  7. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    I've had a rethink on the track plan as I have found an older fag packet drawing which seems to work better for me. The only thing is I need a right hand point, so yesterday I raided my stash of point kits and built one up.
    I have also done some more base board work, this time I'm going to take it a little more carefully and try not to make as many mistakes as on my previous builds. I will take and post some photos of progress later.

    Cheers, Pete.
    Rob Pulham and York Paul like this.
  8. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    Ok as promised some photos of my progress so far.
    I've now got the base boards looking something like I want, not fully made up as I need to mark out the supports underneath so as not to foul the point motors.
    This is the fiddle yard end.
    The wharf end with cut out for the slipway too.

    I think I will use some thinner ply for the base of the wharf and the slipway.
    My new point, unfortunately the top of the copper clad has been removed to much and there isn't enough left to solder to, I have some strip somewhere so I will remove the ones on the point and replace them.
    Any way, thats all for now. The gaffers back today so I don't think much will get done now as she's already got plans.............

    Cheers, Pete.
    James76, Kimbo, Mark4mm and 1 other person like this.
  9. Mark4mm

    Mark4mm Guest

    Baseboards are looking good Pete.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  10. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Looks good so far Pete. Also looks like you are designing the track plan as the build moves forward. Have you considered the free download of Anyrail. You can save yourself some time by playing around on this. Having a plan drawn up also gives you an indication of where the points will sit and where to place the cross members.

    Cheers, Gary.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  11. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    Thanks Gary, I don't think Anyrail will work with this layout, all the points and slips are hand built and not, as far as I know, on the sites data base. To be honest, I'm enjoying the build on the fly, hopefully I won't regret it :facepalm::faint:

    Cheers, Pete.
    Rob Pulham likes this.
  12. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Ofcourse, I should have recognised that...

    Sometimes a 'build on the fly' is more enjoyable and rewarding than a planned layout. Look how many individual plans I had gone through on my layouts...

    Cheers, Gary.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  13. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    Its been a while since my last post. We've been doing the outdoor stuff while the weather has been good.
    I've managed to do some work in the evenings including making and fitting the legs so I can work on the top.
    I fiddled with the position of the points and track and I think I have a workable set up.
    I made a base for the wharf with some 4mm ply, I'm going to use the same I think for the wall backing.
    The track and points along with the slip are glued down with neat pva and are solidly fixed, I need to finish the rest of the track and cut the rails over the board joints, a little glue dribbled down on to the joint, I hope it separates after cutting.......


    I've used the cassette of my plank for lining up the rails, I will make a pair for this layout slightly longer, not a lot as short trains will be the rule on here.


    I'm going to have a trip to town to the electronics shop and buy some hook up wire for the next stage.

    Cheers, Pete.
    steve, James76, Steve Fay and 5 others like this.
  14. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Coming along nicely Pete. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: Looking forward to seeing more as you progress.

    Cheers, Gary.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  15. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    I've got all the track glued down now. Just waiting for the glue to dry and I can make a start on the wiring. The copper clad sleeper on the board joint have been gapped and the tracks over the joint cut. Hopefully the boards will separate easily!
    As a birthday present to myself, I've bought two Dapol tank wagons for the layout, beautiful livery and detail for an excellent price from Rails of Sheffield.

    I will, all being well, make a start on the wiring tomorrow. I also bought some screw leveling feet for it as the shed appears to be drooping down towards the end. I need to jack the shed up and put some blocks under it, another job to go on the never ending list :facepalm:

    Cheers for now, thanks for looking, Pete.
    steve, Steve Fay, paul_l and 3 others like this.
  16. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    A little more headway, all the droppers are fitted and a start on installing the switches for the points, I thought they might be a fairly simple job as I've used them on other layouts without any problems. It's the Omega loops that aren't playing nice, I make my own from brass wire and have used the same type as before but for some reason these won't move the point blades, so todays job is a trip to WD model in Chesterfield to see if they've got any thicker wire, fingers crossed!

    paul_l, Rob Pulham and Gary like this.
  17. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    I bought some 1mm brass wire and made my omega loops. Result! After getting the points moving I wired up the slide switches and fixed them down then flipped the boards over and today the bus went in and the droppers soldered on, the switches were connected to the points and slip and the boards flipped back onto their legs. I had soldered two wires to each board for connecting a controller, first my old Hammant and Morgan to check all worked on dc first. I ran my little 040 Polly as I reckon it will show up any problems. Naturally it did, one of the crossing v's only worked in one road so I suspect a dry joint on my frog slide switch, to be fair, although they are new I reckon they've been on the shelf for a very long time. Other than that, the loco ran up and down the layout in both directions though the slip did have a couple of hiccups, so tomorrow I'll have look at that and the frog switch.

    Cheers for now, Pete.
    Rob Pulham, Gary and paul_l like this.
  18. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Happy Birthday Pete

    A nice brace of tankers you've trewated yourself to.

    jakesdad13 likes this.
  19. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 20, 2017
    Well you certainly have come along with this new layout a lot faster than anything I'm doing with Leek layout which seems to have gone through a whole pile of stops and starts and redesigning, anyway those tankers are cracking nice and hope you had a nice birthday.:cheers::thumbs::tophat::tophat::)
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  20. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    I had a session on the layout over the last couple of days, seems I had a lapse of concentration when I soldered up the track and points, I completely missed one on the slip, soon sorted and now everything is working as it should. I've made a cassette for the fiddle yard using the same method as my diorama. Brass contacts that are pushed together and aligned by eye. For something that works on my diorama it is giving me grief on this one.........
    I'm going to give it a coat of looking at and see what I can do, but, it's going to have be later as we've got our first and only steam rally next weekend and I need to service and get my engine going, it hasn't had a run for probably 3 years but these old Listers are so reliable I'm not expecting trouble, famous last words............

    paul_l, Rob Pulham and York Paul like this.

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