Purple Bob's Victorian house front and back card kits in 7mm scale.

Discussion in 'Domestic & Temporary' started by jakesdad13, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    Quite a while ago someone, I forget who, asked if anyone had had experience of Purple Bobs card kits.
    At the time the only thing I could comment was I'd seen photos and they looked good to me. Well with the lock down and feeling a little flush I invested in the Victorian house front and rear kits. Whether I will find room on the layout is another matter. Anyhoo here they are.


    From what I have seen so far they are printed on top quality heavy paper and the printing is really crisp and of an excellent photo realistic finish. As soon as I get to building them I will post up a thread of the build.

    Cheers, Pete.
    York Paul likes this.
  2. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 20, 2017
    Purple Bob came on here a couple of years or so back and we had a discussion about low relief factory elevations which he said he would take a look at in 7mm scale, not sure of the current situation but to all accounts the printwork is very good so I'm also told.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  3. Echidna

    Echidna Full Member

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    Oct 15, 2016
    Hello All,

    for your information,


    has a number of 7mm scale card kits, primarily intended for the 1920s, but obviously will suit a later period.

    I have not used the service, nor do I have any connection with it. ( As I model in 4mm ! )

    Regards, Echidna
    jakesdad13 and York Paul like this.

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