
Discussion in 'Scenics' started by Wolseley, May 3, 2020.

  1. Wolseley

    Wolseley Full Member

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    Sep 30, 2017
    I purchased some Noch lichen. As with all of my recent purchases (for obvious reasons), it was bought, sight unseen, over the internet. Now, aside from the garish colours, which surprised me given that most of Noch's other products are quite realistically finished, I was rather disappointed as, when applied to the layout, it just looks like big bits of lichen, without any pretensions of being small trees or bushes.

    I find it is rather difficult to glue down without squashing it into a low lying shapeless blob that has no inclination to return to its former shape and, when I tried applying some of Noch's "foliage" to it, it didn't want to adopt the shape of the lichen and just sat on top. I suppose I could use some flock powder or coloured sawdust, but I don't really want to buy something that was not on my list of things I wanted to use, just in attempt to make use of something I happen to have.

    Does anyone have any hints on how to effectively use lichen?
  2. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2017
    I found lichen was best used to replicate plantation which hung downwards such a vine or ivy, for bushes and small trees I use seafoam which is structurally stronger and not loosing shape becoming limp and shapeless as litchen does without support. I suppose the knack is to spray a coating such as either hair spray or clear varnish over the lichen if using it as ground cover.
  3. Wolseley

    Wolseley Full Member

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    Sep 30, 2017
    I'm beginning to think that my money could have been better spent on something else. At least it wasn't too expensive....

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