How to Angle your Resin Print for the Smoothest Flat Surface Possible

Discussion in '3D modelling Design and Slicing software' started by paul_l, Dec 31, 2020.

  1. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    I found this video on Youtube by True Elite Geek.

    Organic surfaces (i.e. figures, undulating surfaces etc.) print beautifully with resin printers, however large flat surfaces tend to show random-ish layer lines and the results are different for each model and printer model.

    The calculation is ArcTan(layer height/pixelwidth)

    The pixel width is dependant on the screen resulution of your printer.

    From the Technical Data sheet on Anycubics website my printers are as follows

    Anycubic Photon 47um (or 0.047mm)
    Anycubic Mono X 50um (or 0.050mm)

    Therefore for a layer height of 0.05 mm,

    For the Mono X the optimum print angle would be

    Arctan(0.05/0.05)= 45 degrees

    For the Photon the optimum print angle would be

    Arctan(0.05/0.047)= 46.77 degrees

    Perfect for the Mono X as I can tilt the model 45 degrees in both planes, however for the Photon one plane would be spot on at 46.77 rotation, but the perpendicular face will be at 43.23 so will not be optimal. You can either select the faces you need to be optimal, or try changing the layer height in the slicer from 0.05 to 0.047 this will give 45 degrees as the optimal angle.

    I feel a series of tests comming up, but I'm waiting for resin so will have to wait a wee while.


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