Engineers Square

Discussion in 'Tools' started by David Mitchell-Todd, Mar 28, 2024.

  1. David Mitchell-Todd

    David Mitchell-Todd Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 9, 2020
    I will be assembling several building kits over the coming weeks, so I decided to treat myself to a 'proper' small engineers square. It is probably a bit overkill for laser cut kits, but you never know I might someday make a brass loco kit?

    As you can see from the photo it is quite small, only 75 x 50mm, but beautifully made and is lovely to use. What I also like is that it for a change it is not made in China. Kinex is a a Slovakian company, though for some reason their advertising slogan is 'Swiss quality made in the Czech Republic'.

    I bought this off Amazon and paid just under £15 for it. However, I see the price has now risen to about £18. You can certainly get an engineers square cheaper than that, but what I think makes this worth the money, for me at least, is the fact it is made from one piece of metal and so lies flat. This allows it to be used with magnets to hold walls and corners of a card kit together.
    Engineers square.jpg
    Andy_Sollis and Vinylelpea like this.
  2. Jim Freight

    Jim Freight Full Member

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    Sep 9, 2019
    I think it is a sound design touch that the inside corner is undercut, although the inside edge near the corner at the top seems a little rounded for a new item. Jim :)
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024
  3. Rob Pulham

    Rob Pulham Happily making models Staff Member Administrator Feature Contributor

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    Sep 15, 2017
    Good morning David,

    As you say it's good to see tools these days that are not made in either China or India.

    I have some similar examples bought from the sadly no longer in business Eileen's Emporium.

    Two of them are 75 x 75mm and the other 100 x 100mm. They also did a 50 x 50mm (2") version which I planned to get but they went out of business before the next show that we would have both attended.

    The original one which is the one marked Eileen's was £3 and the others bought later were £4 and £5 respectively. They appear to have been laser cut from stainless steel and although they certainly don't look to be of the quality that yours does they have given good service. being flat they have advantages in some situations where the traditional type put the blade too far away from the workpiece. In other situations they don't and I have a number of the standard engineers squares for such occaisions.

    David Mitchell-Todd likes this.
  4. David Mitchell-Todd

    David Mitchell-Todd Full Member

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    Sep 9, 2020
    Those are really good value. It is the sort of thing companies like Eileen's emporium were good at.
    Rob Pulham likes this.
  5. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    I also find 123 parallel blocks really useful as well.


    Machined flat square and parallel and measuring 1" x 2" x 3" or 25mm x 50mm x 75mm, Used with some clamps you can hold the model square.

    Above ones are from Amazon

    The imperial ones are cheaper than the metric version from the above link.
    The blocks have tapped holes so you can connect them together.

    MalcT, Rob Pulham and Jim Freight like this.
  6. David Mitchell-Todd

    David Mitchell-Todd Full Member

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    Sep 9, 2020
    Well this is a new one on me, never seen these before.
  7. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Damned heavy tho' so careful if you drop one - don't ask :facepalm: :avatar:
    Rob Pulham and Andy_Sollis like this.

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