Recieved a email from Scalescenes yesterday. Advertising Free down load of a Small Goods Store. So I jumped on the their site and downloaded the file. It's a very nice kit. It gives you the choice of two different versions. It was a fairly straight forward build. I made one mistake by putting two planks on the front, when one should have gone on the back, but I like the look of the two planks, so I left it. Took me about 4 hours to build. Very happy with the result.
I see the kit has been changed from the original. I note it has concrete piers instead of long brick supporting walls, bessa/breeze block under the ramp, comes as either timber or precast concrete and has two roof finishes ! Nice change to the design !! Cheers, Gary.
I'm liking this a lot. Excellent job made of the kit. ....... and ..... another good idea for a competition. We have not had a Scalescenes competition In a while. Keep you eyes on the competitions posts ...... I feel one coming on. Cheers Toto