I want to give a shout out to this glue that I bought recently. I think I only chose it because it was on special offer? Anyway, not only is it very good glue, thick and tacky, the dispenser bottle is the best I have ever used. I have been using it regularly for over a week and not the slightest sign of it gumming up. An glue that does dry on the top can easily be picked off.
I've a larger bottle of the same stuff which also has the same dispenser top, many uses, not just model railway, and it sticks like the proverbial to a blanket Keith.
I have tended to shy away from Gorilla brand products in the past as I felt you were paying for the name, but not any more.
Very good glues indeed. I will add here that their 'Bonds Everything' glue is also very good. It is fantastic for gluing XPS foam (extruded polystyrene) together. Cheers, Gary.
I have generally found that most PVA glues pretty much work the same, but I always clamp my joints and when I can't do that, then i use a deliberately tacky craft glue for this purpose, only for small stuff though. My main experience with Gorilla products is their version of Gaffer tape, it has terrible residue that takes ages to get off car bodywork. Cheers Tony
I agree with that up to a point, I keep a big bucket of cheap PVA that I use when I just need to slosh the glue around a bit. But I am a convert to more expensive PVAs for certain applications.