Those of you in the UK (I don’t know if it went further afield??) in the 1979’s and 1980’s may remember a little green Welsh engine called Ivor… that had a little red dragon in its boiler and Driver Jones working in the valleys and shown on BBC tv - from the same creator as Bagpuss and The Clangers.. Rapido have announced today that they will be producing this very limited range, even smaller and no where near as popular as Thomas the blue engine were all familiar with, but Ivor is no doubt one we hold dear to our hearts. more can be found here… on Rails of Sheffield website.
Good grief, the price of these 'toys', obviously aimed at those of us who remember the TV series, but with more money than sense This is getting as bad as 'Wrenn' and their collectors club, paying crazy £ for even fictional stock. Jim
I recall seeing one in 7mm at a show with sound ( oosh de coosh), i must have stood there for 1/2 hour fascinated, remembering it Ken
There is one regularly attends an exhibition near us in Mansfield./Ashfield Notts. I ahve some photos some where ?