Sunshine, Palm Trees and a Food Industry...

Discussion in 'Planks, Switching and Shelf Layouts' started by Gary, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Just when you start on building a new model for the layout, then a video of super detailing gondolas come along... :facepalm:

    Cheers, Gary.
    gormo likes this.
  2. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    I spent most of yesterday detailing one of the buildings (Graulich International) whilst listening to the Second Section Podcast. I have done this exact technique on quite a few of the original buildings on the layout and it certainly lifts the look of them immensely.

    Along with this, I scratch built a set of stairs from 2mm Evergreen styrene angle (#292), 1mm styrene sheet (scrap) and also a hand rail for the stairs from 0.64mm styrene rod (219).

    I drilled a 0.7mm hole in the door frame to locate the hand rail and then glued the whole set of stairs into place.

    Now to start on detailing the Trujillo & Sons building...

    Cheers, Gary.
    Jim Freight, gormo and Vinylelpea like this.
  3. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    I had the day off work today so I started on a little scratch building for the Trujillo building.

    First up is a tank that sits on top of the lower section of the building.

    The other scratch built item is using a lot of 'modellers license' as I can not clearly see inside the pump house.

    This is the air pump for unloading the plastic pellets from the silo to the industry. A rather large separator (rectangular box) and motor with associated pipe work. Lots of fiddly bits has gone into this as I was using 0.25mm x 0.5mm styrene strip for the electric motor flutes (round unit) and the side flutes on the separator.

    The aperture of the internals on this part of the building is a scale 11' x 10' or 38.5mm x 35mm....

    Still have to add the internal conduits etc...

    Cheers, Gary.
    tim_1970, Vinylelpea, Dr Tony and 2 others like this.
  4. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    You'll have to add a method of attracting people's attention to it so that great tiny detail doesn't get overlooked. Love the side flutes on the separator.
    Gary likes this.
  5. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Thanks for the kind words Tony. I'll sure make mention of it at the Goulburn Model Railway Exhibition in late August ! ;)

    Cheers, Gary.
  6. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    More and more details are being added to the Trujillo building. Quite a lot of pipe work, conduits and two new windows...

    First up, I needed to make the breathers for the fuel tank that sits on top of the roof. This was done using Evergreen styrene rod #219 (o,64mm diameter) and applying a little heat via a cigarette lighter...

    With the breather being fixed to the tank, the next step was the plumbing from the tank to the building. Here I used Evergreen styrene rod #211 (1mm diameter). This was bent to shape using heat.

    Styrups were added to the pipe and a hole drilled in the tank in readiness to being secured to the roof.

    I studied the photo below and noted the two open windows, which had to be modelled.

    I made these from clear styrene sheet, some painters tape to mask off the clear glass and some rattle can black enamel.

    After peeling the tape off, this is what I have...

    These were cut apart and trimmed up...

    I'll set these windows aside and move back on to the pipe work and conduits.

    On the front of the building, there are prominent pipes that run up the face of the building. For the larger pipe, I used Evergreen styrene rod #222 (1.6mm diameter) and made the all the stirrups from Evergreen #101 (0.25mm x 0.75mm). The other conduits are Evergreen rod #219. Small junction boxes were made using a piece of Evergreen strip #154.

    The small pipe at the very front is Evergreen rod #211 (1mm diameter) with three small pieces of Evergreen tube #223 (2.4mm diameter) to form up the top valve and the base rings. A 0.7mm hole was drilled into the top valve section and using the lighter method, a tap was formed from Evergreen rod #219 (0.64mm diameter).

    Other junction boxes were made up from Evergreen strip # 155 (1.5mm x 2.5mm) and #179 (2.5mm x 6.3mm). The conduits running from both boxes are #219 with #101 strip for stirrups.

    The tank and windows have not been secured as yet. This is what it is starting to look like...

    It is all coming together nicely ! ;)

    Cheers, Gary.
  7. tim_1970

    tim_1970 Full Member

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    Dec 28, 2024
    Hi Gary,
    I really like seeing how you are modelling all of the little details. Gives me lots of ideas for my own modelling.
    Gary likes this.
  8. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Hi Tim,

    It is these little details that bring a mundane flat wall to life. I am working off the prototype pictures (courtesy of Google Earth), even though my model has been compressed to fit the area. If one fills the model full of the most noticeable items, then it becomes much more realistic to the eye. Feel free to steal, borrow beg anything from my layout threads !;)

    Cheers, Gary.
    Ron likes this.
  9. Ron

    Ron Staff Member Moderator Full Member

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Certainly makes you think about the details Gary!

  10. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Absolutely Ron ! :thumbup:
    For me details matter, after all we have locomotives and rolling stock with all the super detailing, so why shouldn't everything else include all the necessary little details ! ;)

    Cheers, Gary.
    gormo likes this.
  11. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Good point Gary and also well done mate....:thumbs:
    Gary likes this.
  12. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Thanks Gormo. I also like the challenge of scratch building particular items too. The air conditioners I will hopefully have finished by tonight (if I can purchase the correct sized styrene tube) is one of these items that need some thinking about, as it isn't just a square box with a fan and a few vents !

    Cheers, Gary.

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