This is part of my dads outdoor layout so I’ve had to think a little different here. The bridge is required to cover two peco point motors that will eventually have the feedback switches on top to send a signal back for a display board / mimic display. so, just before lockdown I managed to get some outside measurements to cover the point motors and designed to suit. I didn’t need a wide bridge, so I opted to change the kit around. As it comes you have a large panel for the abutment and two small ones for the side walls and two wings (not decided if I’m using these yet) but, the two side walls were not deep enough, so I switched it around, and glued these together to make the new wall under the bridge and the long sheet that was under the bridge cut in half to make the new sides as that cut in half was deeper, effectively turning the base abutment around by 90 degrees. The back wall was made from 1mm plasticard sheeting. As its for outdoor, the road features a curve to I’d drainage... however, I’ve also fitted a false floor under that to be sealed and hopefully keep the water/rain out from the motors. Drainage holes are added in the back walls. but the more I looked at it, the more I kept thinking something was wrong. I then realised that it was missing the walking at the top after the support columns and also any plinth to support the girders. It seems the wills kit is rather basic and lacking and needs further details adding. So with spare brickwork, I added some more walls to the top and with a thin strip of plasticard, the plinth to support the girders. that brings me up to the current progress. I am thinking of adding the two curved smoke deflectors underside, as my attempt to make the brick arches failed with a warped and brittle plastic sheet (I only had one so failed!)
Nice work Andy. It is a better alternative to having two huts out in the middle of nowhere ! Cheers, Gary.
That was my original issue. Didn’t want that. next step/issue is to add the wing walls and a base triangle in that section to hide a securing screw.