156 20 Gormo`s Shed Final Episode

Discussion in 'The Collection' started by gormo, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    G`day Folks,
    Well we`ve come to the end of the year we would rather forget and I`ve also come to the end of Gormo`s Shed.
    Approximately five years of doing this has attracted a few followers to my YouTube channel and some of those have decided to join the forum as well.
    In that way it has been of benefit to the forum, and I hope that the membership continues to grow steadily by word of mouth or recommendation as I`m sure it will.
    So Toto, thanks for the opportunity you gave me to have a free hand with content on Gormo`s Shed.....an open book in effect.....which does not happen very often in life.
    I have enjoyed the journey and the connection with people from different parts of the World.
    Any Social Media venture is fraught with danger because you don`t know how well you will be received. Fortunately, because of my age, I seem to appeal to the older generation of railway modellers who are appreciative of my efforts and supportive with their positive comments.
    Most videos also seem to attract an element that feel they have to give a thumbs down response, however that element are very much in the minority and don`t seem to have the gift of written creative criticism in their armory, so they leave their mark, like feral cats, and skulk away into the anonymity of the World Wide Web .......poor sods.
    On the other side of the coin, I have had one old gentleman, who suffers from depression, tell me that he gained some reprieve and peace from watching my videos.
    I hope he has survived Covid because I have not heard from him for a long time and I wish him well.
    I have had people make very flattering remarks, which is nice to hear, but somewhat embarrassing at the same time. At my age, I`m over the ego trip, so my head is still the same size, because I treat these comments from people I don`t know as just comments.
    It`s my friends comments that are the important ones.
    So folks it`s a mixed bag of everything when you put yourself out there, as we do these days with social media.
    I could not have anticipated five years ago how well my videos would have been received, but I must admit it has been a slow climb to get to a reasonable number of followers. These things on the internet can be exponential and that has certainly been the case with my subscribers over the last year or so.
    Anyway with this sort of venture comes commitment, and I feel that as I am getting older, I really don`t want to tie myself down quite as much......so the decision was made to end the Shed Series.
    I will of course carry on with my railway updates, but there is a lot more flexibility in that role and I think it will suit me better.
    Thanks to Toto for the opportunity to create something for the forum.......Thanks to Paul for making sure my videos were placed in the appropriate position on the forum each time...and.... Thanks to all of you for watching and following.
    Merry Christmas to all forum members and a Happy and Safe New Year.

  2. Echidna

    Echidna Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 15, 2016
    Dear Gormo,

    whilst I have been an irregular viewer of your videos, I have enjoyed them all, and I have gone back to earlier ones to re hear your views.

    I think you have created an excellent, erudite, well described and well illustrated series videos which has been very helpful, and has also encouraged others, so well done, and I will tune in to your occasional future missives.

    Merry Xmas, Happy new year, and keep enjoying your railway,

    best wishes and regards, Echidna.
  3. Jim Freight

    Jim Freight Full Member

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    Sep 9, 2019
    Merry Christmas Gormo, stay safe, and just do what you enjoy.

    Best thing I ever did (after meeting my wife) was taking voluntary redundancy some years ago and I effectively retired then.

    :tophat: to you, Jim
  4. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 20, 2017
    Just a quick word from me in a very cold, dark and wet East Yorkshire Wolds... stay safe Gormo, have a great Christmas and thanks for the Shed videos but most importantly GCJ is a cracking layout and its going from strength to strength. :thumbup::tophat::tophat::tophat::tophat:
  5. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2015
    Thanks Echidna,
    I always enjoy your well informed and encouraging comments and thanks for watching...:thumbs:
    Merry Christmas and A Happy and Safe New Year to you and your family
  6. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    G`day Jim,
    Me too......I retired 13 years ago.....people thought I was mad for retiring early.....but it`s the best thing I ever did......now I am retiring from Gormo`s Shed, but I will still be out there in video land making a nuisance of myself.......:avatar::avatar:
    Jim Freight likes this.
  7. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Thanks Paul......:thumbs::thumbs:
  8. Chris M

    Chris M If 2 wrongs don't make it right ... try 3 Full Member

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    Mar 14, 2019
    Thanks Gormo,

    A work colleague told me years ago ... never retire! He was right, we all need to keep active in mind and body ... and Gormo's Shed has helped with that for many viewers. And as most guy's know (and maybe some gal's) ... we all need a shed, and yours is a great one.

    Great to know that we will still be able to watch progress on Great Chesterford in your updates.

    :thumbs: Chris
  9. Walkingthedog

    Walkingthedog Full Member

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    Jul 30, 2020
    I retired 14 years ago and have never been busier.
    Jim Freight likes this.
  10. Jim Freight

    Jim Freight Full Member

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    Sep 9, 2019
    I don't know how I had the time to work for anyone else, don't leave it too late to retire, there is life after being a wage slave! :thumbs:
  11. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Thanks Chris,
    But I will disagree in part..........retire from your job of work by all means......but never retire from life.
    You`re absolutely right that we need to keep active in mind and body. I think model railways certainly can push you mentally and I think that is a good thing.
    Basically it`s constant problem solving and teaches you to think outside the box.......and we need a shed to do that and a couple of bloomin` big 3D printers....:avatar:
  12. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Yep....that`s right.......I don`t know when I found time to work all those years ago.....:scratchchin:
  13. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    We are all in agreement..........please take note Paul L.....:thumbs:
  14. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    Not sure what to say really. Cant think of anything appropriate right now. It has been an amazing journey and the forum will surely miss what has been one of its greatest and most valued cornerstones since the beginning.

    However, as in life , the winds of change must blow and I thank you for not just the best feature that the forum will ever be able to lay claim to but a terrific, ongoing friendship as well.

    Many thanks for both.

    York Paul likes this.
  15. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    As I join the merry ranks of the other employed, I will be able to go back thru' the catalog of Gormo's Sheds and this time hopefully have time to put those gems into action.

    I'm always amazed at the left side approach to problems often I never knew I had, but seeing the fix can now go and do it. This hobby of ours has so many facets and and you've seem to cover most of them. Still think SMR Chris will need to try harder to get you in to O gauge (you'll have plenty of spare time now :giggle:), and then there's the Dark side to get you tempted by. :whatever:

    Seriously, Gormo's shed has been an inspiration not only to me but to many others as well - and I even got to meet the maestro - gee whizz I've met an internet sensation :avatar:.
    Looking forward to keeping up with updates to Great Chesterford and other projects.

    Thanks for all you work, enthusiasism and professionalism you've put in to the Shed over the years, I've really appreciated.

    All the best for future

    York Paul likes this.
  16. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Firstly let me say Toto, that it`s an honor and a pleasure to be friends with you and that is what made it hard for me to arrive at this decision.
    I knew this would be a blow to you and it`s not intended to hurt yourself or anyone in any way. That`s why I have phased it in over three Shed episodes.
    However at the same time I am really confident that the forum is in a good place, due to it`s welcoming, friendly nature and the fact that we do not tolerate poor behavior. Basically leave your baggage at the door and don`t bring it in here.
    Those basic principles provide a refuge for some members who may have had bad experiences elsewhere and consequently makes the forum one of, if not ,the best out there in my opinion.
    Therefore discontinuing Gormo`s Shed, even though it has been one of the original features of the forum, should not impact at all on the forum and it`s growth.
    It`s the people that make it what it is.
    The thing to keep in mind also, is that this decision is not the result of a falling out or a disagreement about anything, far from it indeed, it`s just my personal choice to change direction and back off a little.
    We have plenty of gifted and creative members in our forum now with enough expertise to cover just about any situation, model railway or otherwise.
    So yes this is a big change, and it has the ability to affect the status quo, but life is full of changes and with this one, we should just accept it, turn to the next page, and look ahead to a better and brighter future for all of us.
    Setaf likes this.
  17. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    :avatar::avatar::avatar:.....internet sensation..????......I don`t think so.:scratchchin:.....it`s interesting what the exposure can do though ?. I was at a railway exhibition pre Covid and a guy came up to me and said " G`day Gormo "........never seen him before in my life, but as it turns out he is one of my subscribers.......so that was my five minutes of fame.
    Thanks must also go out to you Paul, for loading all those videos into the correct place on the forum, and organizing the collection on the site into a logical format that can be easily accessed.
    You`re the man behind the scenes who quite often fixes the problems and sorts out the issues without any recognition........apart from the massive bonus that Toto pays you.....:avatar::avatar:.
    Thanks for all you`ve done to make it happen in a timely manner.
    I will still offer up ideas and solutions as they come to me.......never know when that`s gonna happen....it just happens.....so there will be work benches and of course GCJ to put these things out there.
    So we are set to go off in new directions in 2021 and let`s hope it`s a better year for everyone.

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
  18. Graham K

    Graham K Full Member

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    Dec 2, 2020
    I may be busy for a while as am sensing a tea, biscuits and Gormo's Shed binge-watch coming on :thumbup:

    All the best
  19. ianvolvo46

    ianvolvo46 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 8, 2015
    Gormo's shed ... legendary ... Gormo the person ... a golden goat legend ... Nuff said

    Ian vt
  20. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Thanks Graham,
    Don`t forget the popcorn munchies and beer......gotta have beer....:thumbs:
    :cheers::tophat:........and maybe a bacon sanger.....Hhhmmmm???....I`m getting hungry...:scratchchin:
    No, no......a bacon and egg sanger with tomato sauce.....Yeah !!!!!

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