Cement Works - 1 - Limestone Crusher Building

Discussion in 'Industrial & Commercial' started by Jim Freight, Aug 20, 2020.

  1. Jim Freight

    Jim Freight Full Member

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    Sep 9, 2019
    In researching this matter further what makes this more involved is that industrial techniques have changed dramatically in the last 50+ years.

    Early on greater efficiency has been called for as cement production requires significant energy input. In recent years legislation has been put in place to reduce pollution, not just from burning coal causing smoke, especially acid laden smoke (e.g. sulphur loaded smoke mixing with atmospheric water) but also greenhouse effects due to gases of combustion, especially inefficient combustion (e.g. motor vehicles whose efficiency is still pretty poor).

    So finding industrial information for an era is tricky, I'm looking at 1950s to 60s, my railway's era.

    Which begs the question where to put the kiln chimney?

    It would seem that in an early example I have come across only today which dates back to 1914 the kiln chimney would be at the upper end of the rotary kiln where a the material in slurry form enters the rotary kiln and moves down towards the coal dust fired end. It does also show one at the other end for the stationary steam engines providing electrical power and compressed air.

    However later designs especially in recent times to include CO2 capture appear to have a chimney at the lower (or clinker) end, much as your knowledge of a 1970s lead kiln for fume extraction.

    Ok, before I drive you into a deep sleep ;) I'd better close there, but if you are interested there is an article with details, drawings and photographs of the Mason's Cement Company's new cement works at Ipswich in 1914 which can be found here (you need to scroll down to this specific article):-


    I will tweak my proposed design to be an update of that site as it did remain in service with numerous upgrades for quite some decades.

    Jim :rolleyes:

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