Dr Tony's Workbench

Discussion in 'Workshop Benches' started by Dr Tony, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    The excitement begins...

    Since this place is abuzz with new layouts starting up...

    Have in my possession now 2 pieces of marine ply 1000x500mm, 4mm thick. A bunch of 42x19 pine framing, and a bunch of cabinet-makers dowels, bought locally from a wood-work supply place in Mona Vale. Plan is to make a time-saver in two parts that will fit into a sedan. Will be a child/punter-friendly layout for exhibitions perhaps, with front controls for speed, points, and uncouplers. Will be for Hornby couplers as it will feature Thomas engines rather heavily, but I may also be able to put some kadee uncoupling magnets in as well.
    Going to play with the layout on the computer while I'm away for Chrissy in Tasmania at the in-laws. One of the disadvantages of having a mac is the less choice in software. Anyrail is not for mac, and the one that is, Rail Modeller, is very clunky. I would find it quicker to make the parts myself as cells in microstation (a proper CAD package), but I won't have my work computer with me.
    Have a few ideas for names that follow my naming convention of survey trig stations, but still haven't settled on on for this one yet. When I have worked this out it will get a new thread.
    Could be ready for June, but I'd need a lot of prodding.

  2. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    While I'm waiting for parts to arrive for Gundah Junction I might as well do some modelling.
    The next layout, (just like the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, the planning for next years race starts well before you cross the finish line of the previous race) will be NSW orientated, it may be another plank, probably some sort of Inglenook, or it may be the full on oval exhibition layout, or it may be a Thomas roundy-roundy for the kids, or it may be a layout for a friend who's having some difficulty (so many options-so little time!)
    So when I get the NSW one done I will need coal wagons, like them or not, I grew up near them so they are a part of my story.
    Currently working away on some old AMRI CHS wagons. A very enjoyable kit to build, lots of things going on, but all well designed and thought out, still deciding how much extra detail to add. First step though was to weight it properly. The kit came with some small scrap steel off-cuts, which did not get the thing anywhere near the recommended weight for a wagon of this length. So with the aid of some lead flashing, a hammer and my new anvil, I fashioned weights to go into each end, and with the aid of the digital kitchen scales brought it up to the recommended weight.

    Didn't get much done last night, as like Richard I enjoy a rather nice red wine (not pictured), a Hunter Valley Shiraz, my favorite variety from my favorite region, not everyone's cup of tea, but that's me. And a glass or two tends to make lining things up rather difficult.
    Will be doing these ones up as Goninan made ones, as I used to live very close to this factory.
  3. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    I think I have a couple of these CHS coal hopper kits lurking around somewhere... :scratchchin:

    Cheers, Gary.
  4. ianvolvo46

    ianvolvo46 Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2015
    Very interesting threads here Tony ... like the wine reference especially ... :thumbup::thumbup:
  5. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    Back to it,
    Been a while, not only because of the software changeover and also no internet here due to NBN problems to our non-NBN service.
    Luke started school a couple of weeks ago, and to celebrate I took a week off to do all the tasks around the house that have been waiting since we bought the house 3 years ago, and some that have crept up since. Things like re-varnishing all external timber work (3 doors), re-varnishing timber internal window sills, other painting and two other pages worth of things.
    So not much progress on my plank layout, mainly through finding out that I had mis-read my plans and bought a medium radius point instead of a short radius one, so that had to wait.
    Did play with my new toy, the nail gun, and while knocking up some custom wooden storage boxes for the dining room cupboards I managed to knock up the first train storage box. This was custom made to suit open wagons, not high enough for the loco in there, and not enough for passenger stock or vans. Length and width of the box was a compromise to fit in whole number multiples of the wagons it was to carry and what would fit in a shelf. Not too happy with how the dividers went, this was 3mm ply cut down with the table saw, despite my best efforts gluing it down, it still wasn't straight.
    The sides are made out of 42x19mm pine, simply butt jointed with glue and nail gun nails, very, very fast.
    The base is 3mm ply, nailed and glued to frame, also really fast. Before the frames were put together I cut slits in the sides with a tenon saw to hold the dividers. Once the frames were made, the dividers were made and slotted down and glued into place. The lid was made from 12mm ply with stopper blocks. This will allow the lid to sit positively and not slide off. It also avoids the use and expense of hinges and catch.
    Will make a bigger and better one later for vans and other things.
    I intend to line the thing with something like felt glued down on the wood to protect paintwork. That will have to wait for a trip to a fabric shop.

  6. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2015
    Nice going Tony. Keeps all the models dust free and safe from damage. :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

    Cheers, Gary.
  7. jakesdad13

    jakesdad13 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 14, 2015
    Nice bit of woodwork there Tony :thumbup:. Its great when you can make stuff, you get what you need against what someone else's ideas are.
    I had a stock box made for me years ago. It was very basic and the guy charged a lot for it. The next one I made myself for a third of the cost and it is far better than his effort.

    Cheer's, Pete.
  8. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    Having to raise the white flag here, not that I was certain of an entry. This year, like most, there is a modelling competition for the Epping Model Rail Exhibition, held next weekend. This year the comp was to assemble a Casula/Sivermaz HGM wagon kit. I could do with one of these I thought, and you never know, nobody else might enter and I might win by default :avatar: Kit building seems to be a dying art these days
    Then again Gary has bought a kit too with the intention of entering, I had no chance anyway.
    Entries have to be in by this friday, not really possible to drive it over there anyway, but having just heard that I'm off with the scanner to Dubbo and parts beyond for the next few days means that there is no way that the thing will be finished. I had some time last week, which I spent doing the bigger stuff, a folding support table for Gundah Junction, to allow it to be set up pretty much anywhere, but still fit the brief of fitting it all in a sedan boot, but more on that later.
    I have a photo here of my progress to date, might change the brake rods too, not so sure about them. To add weight in the girder section I have cut pieces of flat roofing lead and jammed them in and puttied over the top to hide the lead. Used hammer and anvil to make them thinner first to maximise the space. Still does not have enough weight, so might consider making a false floor out of lead, or maybe I can hide enough under the floor. Have to make sure the paint seals that all in well.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  9. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Don't worry too much Tony, I'm not entering the competition, I just wanted a little more variety of rolling stock !

    In the past, I have added weight to the floor (inside) and made a tarp from tissue paper, suspended using a piece of copper wire as a frame glued in place. I cut a piece of tissue paper to fit over the frame and then mixed a little PVA and tan coloured paint and painted the tissue paper. This was then drapped over the wire and partially down the sides of the wagon. A few pieces of black cotton was then attached and tied (glued) under the body.

    Cheers, Gary.
  10. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    After a day at work spent all in front of the computer, and a weekend that was pretty full (as usual), it's good to retreat to the workbench and do something with the hands, and sit down, not running about all the time too.
    Even though I seem to have multiple projects on the go at the moment, fine tuning the new layout Gundah Junction, repairing a new loco, assembling structures for Gundah, experimenting with home made flocking with 3 types of foam, 1 meat mincer, a cheap coffee/spice grinder and a real coffee grinder and some paint, referring old hi-fi gear to pay for more models...; I finally settled down to do some old-fashioned modelling, getting some progress on a wagon build, which was meant to be ready for the June exhibition at Rosehill.
    Tonight was adding the ladders, rather than use the really coarse ones that came with the kit, I had some Keroby brass ladders to make the main side ladders and also the step below the ladder. Also these Infront brake wheels are the first bit of etched brass that I have added to a model, the supplied plastic ones were very crude and just too hard to file to a nice shape
    . Baby steps I know to some of the really excellent modellers here, but this was very satisfying.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  11. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Excellent Tony. I must admit that I have done nothing to my kits since the exhibition ! I think you will have yours knocked up, kitted out, painted, decaled and weather before I finish my models off !! Good things take time and patience pays off. :thumbs:

    Cheers, Gary.
  12. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    Since I can't really use my modelling workbench at the moment, it's actually cleaned right off, which is quite a feat really :avatar: or really access Gundah Junction due to a plumbing problem with both showers that might lead to problems in the garage (and rail space) right below, I have had to retreat to my other workbench.
    This is my "clean" electronics bench, clean, as in not in the garage and covered in garage dust, not as in the bench is actually tidy:facepalm:
    Decided to use this time to get back to my old hobby, audio gear, and service some units up and pass them on, and maybe make some money to buy some more models if I pull my finger out.
    Tonight I'm working on an old Sony reel to reel deck. This thing takes up a ridiculous amount of room, but people still want them. This thing is beautifully built, with little turned aluminium washers for the screws for the face and other nice touches. The motor in this thing is the size of a coffee mug, very, very solid.
    Also amazed at the extra cross-over in skills between the 2 hobbies. Due to working with the railway side of things I am much better at disassembly while protecting the cosmetics of the unit. Also am a lot better at repairing any cosmetics on the electronic things too, touch up paint, the right glue for the right plastic etc.
    In the background the astute observer will notice a Scotsman, this had the mother of all hack jobs for a hard wired DCC install, the wiring took up so much room that the body did not fit back on. It's in my to do one day pile. It hasn't rained here for ages, in fact today the whole of the state is now drought declared, so this may wait a long time till that "rainy day". Also hidden in there somewhere is a homemade CDU for the points of my layout Poppy, still to be tested and installed.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
    steve and jakesdad13 like this.
  13. ianvolvo46

    ianvolvo46 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 8, 2015
    you've got more power points than 'Microsoft Office' :faint:

    ian vt
  14. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    Been making a new workbench. This one is to build and store layouts on. It is mobile, so can be shunted around, out of the way as required. 2 casters have locks so it doesn't move while working. It is a shade over 2 metres long. This allows Gundah Junction to sit on it fully assembled, while allowing for new layouts in the future. These will have 2m long modules. The idea is that 4 of these 2m modules will fit in shelves built into this workbench. The cutouts for the uninstalled shelves are present. Gundah Junction will be stored elsewhere.
    I have also incorporated a dust cover which has a readily removable frame, as it is in the garage.
  15. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    As I predicted earlier. I have made some first steps to the next layouts before I am really finished with the current one. Gundah Junction is basically done, just down to the really fiddly bits of scenic detail, and the question of how it is going to be set up at an exhibition. It was designed to be a kids layout, so sawhorses were modified for this, since then it has changed to more of an adults layout, so will have to sit higher.
    Today, an opportunity presented itself to get large (2400x1200mm) sheets of ply for the next two layouts. The beauty of my mobile workbench above is that it had lots of shelves that are module length, so once I cut the sheets down to size I have solved the storage problem for these large sheets.
    I now have enough to make the next two layouts, an actual kids layout (this one will actually stay a kids one), and the long awaited NSW one.
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  16. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    It's a good feeling to make something that immediately in itself is not productive, but can make life easier. When I first got my airbrush I was in such a hurry to get using it that some sort of tool rest for it was very much an afterthought and a hastily cobbled object. Now I have been able to spend a little bit of time and come up with something that is so much better (but I still have the old one there to remind me, the two nails)
    This is just a simple thing to allow the gun to rest, when the air line is connected, and allows me to use both hands to re-open a paint container and pipette some more paint into the gun.
    Not the prettiest thing, but it works! Maybe a could paint it, but what would I do with the airbrush?
  17. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    Been finally getting back into some modelling again after exhibiting and then a lego exhibition. As soon as I started I knocked a model off the bench, 1m to the concrete floor below. No problem I thought!, it is still in its box, but I might look at it later.
    Oops!, when I opened it all the wire handrail parts, of which there are many, had all come out, the roof came off, and they were never glued in at the factory.

    This model had been purchased a little while ago, and the box was still in its plastic wrap, it is the Phoenix models version of the NSW CHG brakeman. Lucky I had a Eureka version of the same thing, so I was able to get it all back together in the right way, and it wasn't too bad a job.
    Goes to show that you have to be careful, even when it is in its factory packaging.
  18. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    Well, unlike a lot of others around I haven't really been productive in a rail sense despite having more time at home. Other tasks have beckoned, mostly working from home, and one trip away for work and lots of tasks around the house.
    What I have managed however, is a very important task to enable other modelling tasks. And that is cleaning off my workbench to allow work to actually happen. I haven't seen the white of the bench like this for some time!
    jakesdad13 likes this.
  19. Dr Tony

    Dr Tony Full Member

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    Jun 10, 2017
    Being on a trip away from home doesn't necessarily mean a stop to progress. Been away in a motel for a week now in Narrabri NSW. Had a bunch of figures to paint, quite time consuming stuff. Brought a bunch of paints, brushes and hoped for the best with available surfaces and lighting. Managed to finish off quite a few. The cheap eBay painted figures are really only suitable for background or while they are moving. The proper painted ones are quite expensive, so painting your own makes sense, apart from the time. But making use of otherwise dead time works quite well.

    jakesdad13 likes this.
  20. Davoetype

    Davoetype Full Member

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    Jun 14, 2016
    I use the same E Bay chinese figures for general filling in of footpaths, etc and although time consuming it sure does save a lot of scarce funds. You have to paint them regardless as the painted ones seem only to come in colours like purple or bright yellow. Can't beat the expensive ones when you want a station master or the like. Something is missing from your work area..perhaps the glass of red is elsewhere?


    and happy modelling


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