Episode 143 20 How To Build Station Platforms

Discussion in 'The Collection' started by gormo, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    G`day Folks,
    This time on Gormo`s Shed we`re looking at a method I`ve used to build station platforms.
    I`ve covered this in my layout thread, but it`s a long drawn out project and would be easier on the eye to view in one sitting via video.
    The concept relies on a bracket system fitted to the back of the platform walls. The platform walls are made from MDF


    This system allows you to shape the walls to the rails and gives you a good amount of control over how it turns out.


    The walls are covered with Scalescenes brick paper


    The system is strengthened internally once the walls have been screwed down in place. This process allows you to remove the platform frames after strengthening, so that they can be laid onto MDF sheet to mark out the tops.



    And eventually that leads us to the finished platform tops, which are done with chalk pastels.


    For a more detailed account of the process, check out the video, but settle in with a beverage and some crisps, because it runs out to over half an hour.


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