KMR Diecast Locomotive Kits

Discussion in 'Collectors and Vintage Rolling Stock' started by Wolseley, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. Wolseley

    Wolseley Full Member

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    Sep 30, 2017
    I realise that a diecast kit is not really RTR, but the kits in question most certainly fit into the collectable and vintage category so, RTR or not, this section of the forum seems the most appropriate place for this thread. Please move elsewhere if it is considered appropriate.

    KMR Ltd in the early 1950s marketed two near identical kits, an LMS 2P 4-4-0 and an LMS Compound. They were relatively simple in assembly, with a minimum of parts. I remember the KMR kits from the illustrations of them in Ernest F Carter's Model Railway Encyclopaedia, which I frequently borrowed from the local library back in the 1960s and subsequently purchased second-hand. Here are scans of those illustrations

    KMR 1.jpg

    KMR 2.jpg

    They do not often crop up for sale, but one did recently on eBay and I put in a bid on it a few days ago, expecting that there would be a flurry of bids at the last minute and not thinking I would be successful, but it seems that there were only two others interested in it, and bidding stopped short of my maximum bid by about £4, so I now have one in my collection (or will have once it arrives). Here is a photo of it:

    jakesdad13, ianvolvo46 and Dublo like this.

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