Old Models recycled

Discussion in 'All other RTR' started by Kimbo, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Kimbo

    Kimbo Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 13, 2015
    A few months ago I found that I had a lot of old damaged triang stock that needed to be disposed of. Now not wanting to sell them for next to nothing, I decided to try and repair, clean up and then weather a few models to see if it would make them a little more attractive to a potential buyer. The other great idea about this little project was that I could try out all those ideas you see and read about and if I made a huge mistake, well it would be of no great financial cost to me other than time.So the first to get the treatment were a sad collection of tired tanker wagons. Wheels were the very old chunky pattern, so they had to go, couplings....well as you will see I left on the originals as there are still a lot of modellers that prefer them. I did say in my sales info that I would change them if required to any of the main stream couplings, as it turned out not one person took me up on the offer :whatever:I do not have blow by blow pictures but the techniques used are similar to Gary's and Paul's fine offerings. The main issue with these models was that the large decals were chipped and needed to be hidden by the weathering, hence why some are very heavily weathered. The black and brown washes are, I have to admit the paint cleaning jars fluid !!! and the weathering powders are from sets that have been made up for club members and others to buy to have a go with. Finally a quick spray with either a cheapo hairspray (wheels removed first) or a matt spray can varnish. The results, for me were quite pleasing and I had a lot of interest with several models selling to a couple of buyers. One point for any one using older rolling stock, the effect of just changing wheels sets to the latest offerings is amazing. These models ran superbly over code 75, code 100 and Tillig code 83 track work and points, well worth the upgrade for a model made in 1963.







  2. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Suffering Murgatroids, I think we need to clean up our act.

    really nice - not sure if thats applicable, but weldone sir.

    explains the lovely clean track, the wagons are collecting all the crud - bet you all thought I was going to say something else.

  3. Gary

    Gary Wants more time for modelling.... Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    These have come up trumps Kimbo, excellent job indeed. :thumbs:

    The old Murgatroyd's tanker was one of my favourites. In a matter of fact, it still is and would you believe they still command a high price on ebay if they are in perfect condition ! I have one in great condition, waiting new wheels, which may see itself on the rails soon.

    If your weathered models don't sell soon, well, I guess modellers can't tell what a great model you have produced. :thumbup:

    Cheers, Gary.

    SMR CHRIS Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 31, 2015
    Nice work Kim
    Great to see some more old favourites given a new lease on life like Gary I always liked these tanks and the train of six is just great, the weathering distracts the eye from the slightly corse parts of the wagons, so well that at first look I thought "someone has released a new bogie tank wagon. Great work.

    I got a O scale bogie tank on the bay a while ago for $15 it's looks like it is a upscale of the OO one right down to the bogies. It too will get a work over like your OO ones and be revived to roll again.
  5. ianvolvo46

    ianvolvo46 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 8, 2015
    Just caught this thread Kimbo superb in fact if Carlsberg did weathering .....

  6. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2017
    I'd probably agree with that as well Ian. :avatar:

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