Parkside Dundas BR 21 Ton Coal Hopper Kit.

Discussion in 'Kits, Kit bashes & Scratch builds' started by Mark4mm, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. Mark4mm

    Mark4mm Guest

    Just thought I would share this kit I bought for the huge sum of £5. Everything is included and I will use this thread when I commence the build.
    jakesdad13, Andy_Sollis and York Paul like this.
  2. Mark4mm

    Mark4mm Guest

    I find the build instructions to this kit are not really user friendly. :scratchchin:If anyone can shed some light on better build instructions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2017
    Can you post up an image of what build instructions you have pls ?

    I don't build in 4mm these days but the Parkside build sequence should be a watered down version of 7mm scale instructions... not that they are much good either :avatar: Generally start with the body shell making sure each corner is square at 90 degrees. Not sure how the chassis frames go together unless they build up as a separate web framework with the W irons in place on the side frames. Its just a matter of keeping everything level and square ... use a glass pane or flatstone to check levelness.
  4. Mark4mm

    Mark4mm Guest

    Hi Yorkie when I have had chance to look at it properly. The instructions walk you through word for word, and here’s me thinking it would be a diagram of where each part fits onto.:facepalm:
  5. Mark4mm

    Mark4mm Guest

    Morning I thought I would show some pictures of the build information you get in this pack. I wish there was a build diagram to show where all the parts actually fit. I have come to a standstill as I’m stuck on hopper bottom assembly.
    52D37CBB-3BBC-4610-B8C9-0AB0B795258A.jpeg 51EE4F86-1D99-45A4-8D92-077DBF7E3721.jpeg 50C21CD4-6603-4E37-97E3-A34517BB1D9D.jpeg B0830FAC-37B8-4876-BB86-5F5DAD59088E.jpeg C56AD833-634B-484C-8BAD-8C615AE40FC2.jpeg
    jakesdad13, Kimbo and Andy_Sollis like this.
  6. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    Word of warning with this kit, I built 2 around 15 years ago. Great if you want them as empty, but they are incredibly light footed and often came off the track with similar Hornby wagons (even when full of sand!) so I would suggest some extra weight - I glued with white PVA some small fishing ball weighs in to the chassis where not visible to just give it some extra gravity on the points and curves.

    if your not planning to run it empty, not so bad, but keep the weight low.

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