Hi Jim, thanks for your reply. The 1st picture is how the gear should be, the 2nd is the broken side. You can see the mounting block. I have a modelling friend that's good with 3D printing. We're hoping that he may be able to recreate the valve gear plastic. But which part do you mean when you say "The other part may be repairable...."? David David
Hi David, I meant the part you show in your pictures. The spacers were what I was asking for pictures of but your friend should be able to replicate those for you. I think I would try gluing the parts you show above, it may well be possible to 3D print a replacement part depending on your friends equipment. Jim
Hi Jim, Hope you and the rest of the gang here have had a good Christmas! The insulated spacers are the same as the ones Paul showed. I just don't know if they're the same size. Be good if they are! I don't know if the broken part in the photo could be glued, it's broken off the mounting block in 2 places and the gluing surface area of one of the breaks is very small. I'm hoping that my friend cam reproduce one via his 3D printer. I'll take the other one off to use as a model. David
Happy New Year all! Hope 2025 is a good one for you! I was asking Paul_l if the insulated bushes he 3d printed for his Bachmann split chassis would be the same size for all Bachmann split chassis, specifically a 2-6-2T, I believe it's a 2MT. Paul's obviously been busy with Christmas and New Year as I haven't heard anything back yet. Can anyone else answer my question? I'm about to be in touch with my friend with a 3d printer and it would be good to know. Cheers David
Hi David, I cannot be sure but it is likely to be a common part amongst the Mainline locos, Bachmann not so sure, one I have to hand from a Mainline 43xx Mogul I am repairing and converting for DCC use has the following dimensions, some of these parts were crudely moulded and possibly distorted with time but seems close to a Bachmann version Paul printed. Square head, across flats 4.5mm Head thickness 1.5mm Shank diameter 3.5mm Shank length 8.6mm Hole in end takes a self tapping screw outside dianeter approx 2mm, hole needs to be smaller, but I presume you still have that. It would need to be printed in a suitable material that has some elasticity, I would suggest a good PLA like the HatchBox PLA Pro+ or ABS, basic PLA may split too easily as would a resin part, although I have no experience with resin printing, parts I have bought have tended to be brittle. Printing small parts like this can be an iterative process, especially when the printed parts need to be a specific size, so your friend may not be able to do it in one hit any way because parts can shrink or distort due to the printing process. Typically I would CAD to the ideal part dimensions, print it and then tweak the dimensions as necessary for a second print so the part fits well. I hope that is some help to you, please don't hesitate to ask again. Jim
I'm not sure if I should start a new thread on this but here goes.... How does one remove the bolt holding the side rods on to the wheels as in the pictures earlier in this thread? I've searched high and low for a 2mm nut driver set but the smallest I can find is 3mm?? David
Hi David, try this, not cheap though, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B001552I2M/ref=twister_B076HFP4JY?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 Or a set from another brand, originally I bought a 2mm of this set from Rapid Electronics but they have discontinued them now https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wiha-26592...fos.95fd378e-6299-4723-b1f1-3952ffba15af&th=1 Both Wera and Wiha are quite well made, Jim
Thanks Jim. The Wera is available from the UK (I'm in Oz), postage will be more than the price of the nut driver. The Wiha is available from Amazon but won't ship to Oz. That's a pity because it looks to be better value. David
Found them Jim, thanks. Those nuts on the side rods look 2mm across. Do you know if they're metric or imperial? David
Well, I bought my 2mm spinner for a modern Hornby, I would suspect a Bachmann (Europe) would be metric too, Mainline, borderline for being metric but likely. Incidentally at this size they tend to be expensive because they need to be made to a much tighter tolerance. It may be useful if you haven' got one is to treat youself to a digital calliper, this is just an example, they come in plastic and metal, a cheaper metal would be adequate.e.g. https://www.amazon.co.uk/LOUISWARE-Electronic-Extra-Large-Conversion-Stainless/dp/B01MAY5ECH/ref=sr_1_52_sspa?crid=6CBL1MAVGVF5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ur30QNr96uVqCeQUlG-wHE5ik7b5njhe6xwssyr84skqWLguDJdS7XGUTnua58C2NdXk6uIyshrtOrGCtLHzpxWusybSn0jtwBfFQRs6IwGZZz0b95ODGlZYwUX1z7hR_mB2GQUGn4r2MZAcJ6111pldrvdd1duTCJsbf9lyNjrowvU-qM3h7la-lxfwCoG2y4XYTDuVM_Jukk6xRmCbZFXX2wEzpD-0o0hkcGg8nEknZqRQKMNp5yW1esow1HA5tYB1jfe540smh2Po662vnZMxRhGkxTwsKOIr52Z6L18.N7JjnLsg-gfMzHe9BK1iIvGJJSMFDIv3FBbho9-IGE0&dib_tag=se&keywords=digital+calipers+measuring+tool&qid=1738574143&sprefix=digital+caliper,aps,310&sr=8-52-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9idGY&th=1 Jim