Building my version of the Indiana & Aurora tabletop layout

Discussion in 'Members Personal Layouts' started by Boatman909, Jan 31, 2025.

  1. Boatman909

    Boatman909 Full Member

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    Aug 25, 2024
    Hi, my name is John (user id Boatman909). I am a retired IT Manager, and have lived and worked in the UK, France, the Netherlands and Canada. I finally retired in 2020 and moved to Central America.

    I joined the forum at the end of last year, after being inspired by Gormo’s layout. This is not my first layout (that was a Trix Twin 5*3.5 ft layout back in the mid 1950s!), but hopefully I will get it mostly operational and with scenery in the next 12 months. I started it in May of last year, and try to do something on the layout most days.

    It is loosely based on the MMR Indiana & Aurora trackplan. It uses HO scale Atlas flex track and Peco point work. So far I have laid all the track and am very slowly wiring it up to my MRC Prodigy Advance2 DCC controller. Eventually all the turnouts will be powered with Peco point motors and hopefully controlled either from panels or with the Lenz LS150 controllers. I have plans to create extensions to provide a mainline terminal station, with loco facilites, and a branch line supporting mixed passenger and freight operations.

    Locos will be smaller steam (US ouline) and a few early diesels (Alco PA-1). Traffic will be mixed freights and a few passenger trains, simply because that’s what I have. The passenger trains will be 3-4 cars max. Ideally I would like to eventually set up a Car Cards system.

    Almost all the buildings will be ScaleScenes models, with a few plastic kits that I happen to still have from previous layout build attempts.

    its been a challenge, as I live in Central America and there are no hobby shops. Everything has to be imported at considerable cost (+100% for import duties and shipping), unless one of my neighbours is going to the States, and they have room to mule stuff back for me.
    Jim Freight and gormo like this.
  2. Boatman909

    Boatman909 Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 25, 2024
    Andrew Laing, Jim Freight and gormo like this.
  3. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    G`day John,
    The layout looks like it is a reasonable size and will allow plenty of operational possibilities.
    Keep up the good work and I look forward to watching your progress with it.
    Boatman909 likes this.

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