Small wooden built Head Frame under construction on the bench, I should have tided the bench before taking the happy snap. This will form part of my new0gauge micro layout. Attached files
This is going to be impressive Mike, are you going to make it operational with the cable rolling and the cage going down then back up again at intervals.
That's the plan, cage with miners down, cage with loaded coal tub up. There will be a 0:9 narrow gauge line from pit to standard gauge wagon loader. More photos soon.
jelicoe 1914 wrote: Really looking forward to this Build Mike I'm sure it will be a cracker like all the previous Micros
I like this project. Is the wheel a Shapeways 3D print? I have been looking for some of them after seeing an article in Model Rail magazine ages ago. May seem a bit pedantic, but collierys had two shafts, an up shaft and a down shaft. As it is a micro layout, there's probably not enough room for two, but maybe a painted on head gear on a backscene? Cheer's, Pete.
Been there, Black Country museum, a great place to visit. Will the layout depict pre WW1 operations? I really love these industrial type layouts. Cheer's, Pete.
No not pre WW1 as at one similar pit was in operation to around 1950 it will be during and just after WW11 Mike
Baseboard built, well almost, I still have to build the small extension for the head shunt. Started on the track work with point work and all off 2x 18" of plain track. 0/9 Narrow gauge loco under way using a Kato chassis. Baseboard has integral folding legs which lock into position and are fitted with adjustable feet.
Excellent build and progress. keep it coming. The head frame is particularly of interest. a nice creosote staining and its there. cheers toto
That is such an imposing piece, I thought for a moment there that you had a gigantic Stanley knife (other sharp knives are available) and junior hacksaw ! Lovely engineering. Please, continue.