G`day Folks, A long time ago in a forum far, far away........I posted a topic that dealt with the conversion of a Tyco Crane over to a British type of crane........some artistic license and imagination required...... Anyway as the project developed, it carried on further with, and included, the conversion of other vehicles, to eventually create a breakdown train. The process involved using and recycling bits and pieces that I had collected and that I held on to, with the thought that " I will use that one day for something..???? " I had actually planned a totally different topic to kick off 2020, but I realized today that this project had never really made it onto my YouTube channel or this forum as a Shed topic. The fact is, that it was completed and posted elsewhere prior to this forum being born. Anyway folks......" Better late than never !!!! "......... Gormo
Hi Gormo I thoroughly enjoyed this video, the converting of the tyco crane, toolbox wagon and Pico carriage where all nicely done.
Now here was me thinking at the beginning, how can that look anything like.... but I tell you what, even the coach looked the part once it was repainted and had the GWR logos on. very impressed... I believe there was a motorised DCC version of this Crane... now that would make an interesting conversion!
G`day Andy, I guess what I had going in my favor at the start of the project, was the fact that many of these cranes from various places around the world, look very similar. I was at a rail museum in Goulburn NSW last year and they had an Aussie version, which would not look out of place if painted in GWR colours. Pic below The tool van / coach on the other hand was a leap into space. My research on these vehicles revealed that they were usually conversions from coaching stock and they were converted to suit particular tasks. Consequently there is no set style or shape or measurements for these vehicles to conform to, therefore I had a clean slate to start. I could build it as I thought it should be and it could be justified because it was built for that particular railway, in that particular region etc. etc.etc. blah, blah, blah. The freedom of freelance is quite rejuvenating and I do gain some pleasure from upsetting the rivet counters..... I guess if you are in the ballpark with the look of these vehicles, regardless of where they come from, once you paint them up with a certain railway livery, the eye convinces the mind that the vehicle is indeed from that railway company.?? Anyway mate.......it`s all part of the fun of railway modelling.... Gormo