Episode 144 20 How To Make Bushes

Discussion in 'The Collection' started by gormo, Mar 22, 2020.

  1. gormo

    gormo Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    G`day Folks,
    I had a request from a fellow modeller to do a tutorial on making bushes.
    I have no particular new technique or revolutionary method for creating bushes, however as it was a request, and as I feel it was time to change direction on Gormo`s Shed, I have complied with the request.
    I have picked up what I know from internet research and also most importantly, from Gary. His drops of PVA onto a sheet of baking paper method, for creating little weeds and flowers is a ripper.
    So I have borrowed heavily from that method and thrown in some of my own ideas as well.
    This is a bush made today and waiting for overnight drying before being planted on the railway.


    And the following two pics show some I made earlier

    The sizes can be varied to suit what you require and the method is really simple and very low cost.


    So all is explained in the video....enjoy :thumbs:

    JOHN A.SMITH, jakesdad13 and mikejh like this.

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