Thems the rules (for now)

Discussion in 'Rules To Play By' started by Guest, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    These are the rules until Tom writes the proper ones

    Rule 1 well in our community Rule 1 ALWAYS applies

    2 Please at least Try to be polite. Abuse isn't clever, wont be tolerated and will be removed and the poster Possibly suspended or removed depending on severity of the offence. This does NOT mean we intend being heavy handed with censorship so if your comment is blunt. . . but a fair and honest opinion, then so be it. Everyone has a right to reply. You only need to ask one question of yourself. Would I let a child look at what I'm posting. ??....If the answer is no, well then It's not suitable material for this forum

    3 a sale of goods and advertising.

    Members are permitted to advertise for sale related products which they wish to offer for sale. These items should be placed in the sale and wants section.
    A description of the goods can be posted along with a photograph in order to let members know the general details and condition of the goods.
    No price should be given on any open forum posting. If someone shows interest they should intimate this by posting on the initial thread where they can ask for further detail with regards to type, condition etc but if a deal is to be made, the two parties should then take any agreement on the financial transaction including the agreement of the price " off line " by PM or other agreed private method.

    Platform 1 will take no responsibility for any of these transactions including any accuracy of descriptions or any other detail included within the posts made. That includes any involvement in dispute resolution of any kind.

    The offer of the sales and wants facility is restricted to private individuals and excludes the use by retailers, suppliers, commercial enterprises unless otherwise agreed in advance of posting by the forum owner ( Toto ).

    To be clear COMMERCIAL SALES ARE NOT PERMITTED. No member can provide a post or link through to their any site providing the opportunity to purchase their own products via a direct sales option. Ie a but it now button. Members can promote their own products and offer a picture of the same but this must not contain a " direct sale " facility.
    Any posts breaching the above will be removed immediately with no warning or notice. Anyone continually breaching these rules may find themselves removed from the forum. IF IN DOUBT ....ASK.

    Members may from time to time provide details on products available from sources such as Ebay. These sites do tend to show the asking price etc and provide the ability to purchase there and then. This is permitted as it is viewed that the poster is posting in order to provide other members with the link to a product of general interest with which they have no commercial link or commercial benefit.

    The above statement shall be monitored and if deemed necessary adjusted or withdrawn at the discretion of the forum owner. Platform1 reserves the right to change / adjust the above policy without notice and shall have absolute discretion on any and all individual postings on a case by case basis.

    The exception to the above rules is in the example of sponsors who provide prizes for our competitions in exchange for their advertisements as placed on the forum as agreed by the founder and as rolled out to the admin team.
    The sponsors adverts are agreed up front by Platform 1 and the content of which is controlled by agreement between the parties.
    For the avoidance of doubt, there are no cash transactions or any other commercial dealings between the parties other than the provision of prizes for competitions in the form of goods.

    All agreements ( or changes of the same ) entered into with any potential Sponsors remains at the discretion of Platform1.

    4 Copyright. . . Please at all times respect the Copyright of any material you post on this forum. . . YOU, the poster are responsible for any breaches , we just provide a platform, so please please take care and ONLY post material you have permission to reproduce. If in doubt ask a Moderator BEFORE posting.

    5 Re 4 above we assume that any material you post on platform1mrc Is free to be used by members for their Personal pursuit of our hobby,( Unless you mark it as copyrighted ), not for business use or monetary gain and only to be used elsewhere with the express permission of the original poster ( If that member is no longer a member then please assume that you do NOT have permission to use elsewhere )This /images/emoticons/169.gif is available in your emoticons library ( scroll right if you don't see it)
    6. We have included a PM facility for use by our members. Along with the provision of such a facility as well as the forum in general comes responsibility. Unfortunately our type of forum facility being small and insignificant in the back of " virtual nowhere " can make the ideal breeding ground for undesirable activity. People can join and use the forum ( more specifically the PM communication system ) to operate there network of dishonesty.

    With this in mind, One or two things that you should be aware of.

    6a) I ( Tom / Toto ) as owner of the forum am responsible for all content placed upon it. That is posts, images everything. Everything posted on the forum is stored on a main server which can be viewed at any time by the relevant authorities and is under the jurisdiction of US law. ( and possibly others )

    6b) All moderators have the ability to see any post in their general position as moderator and have the facility to use admin permissions with which to moderate whilst any inappropriate posts are investigated.

    6c) We can and will from time to time police the forum and it's contents to ensure that we are complying with any law that we are obliged to operate under.

    6d) should we come across any content which is perceived to fall under any inappropriate category for example, paedophilia, acts of terrorism or any other obvious subject matter, we shall without warning or hesitation hand such information along with any user details to the appropriate authorities. No exception.

    6e) in carrying out our obligations we may come across other opinions etc vented by the member whose PM's we may have entered. I would like to state clearly that We are not interested in using or acting on personal opinion ( toto is a tosser ) discovered in the process of vetting the forum for the intention of the above.

    6f) The posting of personal images other than those of people in the undertaking of this hobby, ie a photo of someone enjoying views of exhibits etc is strongly discouraged. Please restrict personal images to the open forum. We particularly discourage the posting of minors unless obviously photographed with their parents / guardians at a show for example and ALWAYS in a suitably acceptable surrounding event that could not be construed as inappropriate.
    The photographing and posting of junior members within PM's regardless of venue, state of dress in strictly prohibited and on discovery depending on the nature of the image , the poster will immediately and irreversibly banned from the forum. should the nature of the image warrant it, a copy if the image as well as the unrestricted access to the forum and its associated software shall be provided to the police with no warning given to the offender.

    7) Junior Section ( rules currently under draft. Section still officially to be opened to juniors )

    8). If you don't like the above rules. . . . There are other alternatives.

    ******** please note that these rules are for general guidance at this time and can be changed without any warning or notice being given by the Admin Team ********* In registering and posting / operating on this forum, you automatically agree to be governed and bound by the forum rules and any obligations in all and any law in any jurastiction placed upon the forum.

    It is each members own responsibility to acquaint themselves and satisfy themselves that they conduct their activities in line with all legal requirements.

    It is the responsibility of the individual member that they visit the forum rules from time to time to familiarise themselves with any potential changes to the rules of this forum and ensure their own compliance.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with the above. Should there be any doubt in any of the above, please contact any of the moderators who will raise the query in order to provide the correct guidance.

    The Moderating team.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2022
    Gene Turner likes this.
  2. 16A

    16A Guest

    Likes Received:
    Dec 17, 2015
    Just a suggestion...

    Should item 4 'Copyright' have a clause stating Platform 1's stance on copyright of images and data posted within - eg it belongs in the first place to the poster and secondly to Platform1?

    Thinking out loud that's all..... :©:
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks Mike , we do say that it is free for members use in the pursuit of our hobby, ( and not for use elsewhere unless permission is granted by the original poster to do so ) . . . Unless the original poster has marked it as :©: Maybe needs re wording as you say to take ownership within Platform 1 to cover any material we need to move or remove . Thanks for raising it I'll bring it up with the Mods

    And welcome aboard :)


  4. Sol

    Sol Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 13, 2016
    Following Toto's recent post about threads - I have posted to this as a reminder to all.
  5. Peter K

    Peter K Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 6, 2019
    As a suggestion, perhaps a clear system with which states when members will:

    • have posts deleted
    • be temporarily banned
    • be permanently banned
    • be IP banned
    might help.
  6. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2017
    Hi Peter,

    We have not had much call to really start implementing the rules. Members generally play the game. If they don't then usually things can be sorted with a very relaxed PM or on the odd occasion something a little stronger by the way of advice.

    If the general feeling is to categorise it could be done but I have tried to avoid dictating to much in the past.

    Generally, small misdemeanours equals a chat or preferable a word to the wise. If someone totally oversteps the mark ....... then it can get more serious.

    You can take away the temporary banning idea though because if I am forced to go to the extent of banning someone ...... then it's for good ...... no coming back. The idea of having to ban someone upsets me and if they have done something serious enough to push me to that point then they are not worth having on the forum as it just creates negativity.

    Any comments suggestions, requests on the above are welcome to gauge the general feeling as to if I need to be more specific with reference to how the above is dealt with.

    Let's not turn it into anything more than it has to be though please. I am trying to keep things as relaxed and fair as possible and avoid the dictatorial and heirarcle sword swinging present on some other forums.

    Basically ..... play nice is all that's needed

    Cheers toto
    SRman, Gary and Mr Porter like this.
  7. Peter K

    Peter K Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 6, 2019
    Which is surprisingly positive. Many forums have 'secret laws' and a 'secret tribunal' which is only known for the unjust decisions it churns out without giving the 'defendant' time to calm down and think before responding... Andy York's dictatorship especially...
  8. Toto

    Toto I'm best ignored Staff Member Founder Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2017
    Don't know who Andy York is or what forum he runs with but I can assure you, there is no tribunals or kangaroo courts here. We just ask decency, tolerance, and a sense of reasonalableness between members. We all have our more personal views ....... just apportion them where they belong. This is modeling .... not just trains as we all have a broader interest lurking , so we can meandour but within certain parameters. We are also adults ( as far as I'm aware) so hopefully have the ability to judge when we are crossing the line.

    Of course, if certain individuals cant, then I provide a free service to advise them when they are defaulting ....... no fee. I'm all heart. Please don't praise me ..... I'll only get embarrassed.

    I'm delighted to have you on board because as well as this fife layout that I am hugely interested in, you have given me the opportunity to clarify the above without raising it myself and sounding like one of the less desirable characters from round about the 1939 - 1945 era's.

    I can see you and I getting on.:thumbs::tophat:
    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  9. Keith M

    Keith M Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Dec 16, 2015
    The gentleman in question is one of the Moderators on the "Rivet counters r us" forum. From what I've seen on my occasional visits to that forum, several people have had their nose put out of joint (metaphorically speaking!) in recent times as he can be about as subtle as an air raid on occasion!:giggle:

  10. Peter K

    Peter K Full Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 6, 2019
    He's also known as this guy:

    Googling Andy York model railways will find you the right results.

    Interestingly, you aren't far off even though you are being sarcastic. This forum criticises a few too many rivets (on a GWR class) on CAD drawings for 3D printing by a young, foreign hobbyist.
  11. York Paul

    York Paul Staff Member Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2017
    I think I might change my user name then :avatar: now here is the disclaimer that person is absolutely no relation to me or has any involvement in any of my projects in this great hobby of ours. :avatar:
    Peter K and SMR CHRIS like this.

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