Tram lines

Discussion in 'Members Personal Layouts' started by ianvolvo46, Jun 10, 2024.

  1. ianvolvo46

    ianvolvo46 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 8, 2015
    Ok ... sooo I've got an idea for a new layout ... as the name suggests its gonna have trams!
    • It will be in the same size case as my 'Just in Case' layout 35cm x 50cm.
    • The track plan will be very similar, using Kato unitrack (as I know this works and I've already got the curves)
    • I can use my existing controller and point levers (I won't need uncouplers)
    • I will be using 4 inexpensive Kato Pocketline trams (of which I already have one
    • The structure will be simple being just platforms/canopies and ticket offices
    The pla ...? ... operation value will include timetables for each tram including platform number and order of departer/arrival
    At the front there will be a short tunnel as if the trams are arriving or leaving

    That's the theory ... and ... (quick look behind for the other 5/8ths) ... because I'm using items similar to what I've already got she'll think I'm pla ... working on the shunting layout 'Just in Case' ... cunning eh?
    IMG_20240313_153342.jpg IMG20240610132215.jpg
    Vinylelpea likes this.
  2. ianvolvo46

    ianvolvo46 Staff Member Moderator

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    Dec 8, 2015
    Now ... this could be my next project ... each siding/spur? is long enough to hold a kato tram (14cm) ... the bottom tunnel thingy gives the impression of trams leaving/arriving in sequences ...

    Tram 1.jpg
    MalcT and Vinylelpea like this.

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