Earlier tonight I had discussion with one of our members (Class48nswfan) who asked if we could provide an area to discuss 'running your trains', on your layout. This dedicated topic is for our members to discuss 'how they run and operate their layout'. Here you can discuss what it takes to run proper operations, or to be more precise, scheduling your trains. Whether you opt for timetable, card or any other operating system, if you make it easy for yourself, or your operators to understand where and when their train should be, you and the operators will enjoy themselves much more and maximize their time on your layout. So, let the discussion on layout operations begin.... Cheers, Gary.
Sounds like a great idea, To have dedicated folder for how we operate our railways I’ll post up the way Moonan Flats is run on Train nights as an example of a basic visual way to make 2 points and a sector plate very interesting.
I seem to remember Gormo did a good video on this subject. I'm trying to work out a random traffic generator (in Excel) for my Wallace Creek layout which will then dictate the trains I have to run to ensure wagons are in the right place for the traffic.
I heard my name mentioned somewhere...?????? Here`s a link to the Episode mentioned. http://platform1mrc.com/p1mrc/index.php?threads/episode-79-17-running-trains-to-a-schedule.2095/ Gormo
On my old Lockoford Yard Inglenook layout, I used a card system where each wagon had its own card and each siding had a card too, I would shuffle the sidings cards first-A/B/C, then the wagon cards, 3 to each siding, once they had been shunted into the sidings in order the cards are re shuffled and it starts over again. It generally took about 15/20 minutes to complete. Pete.
Just watched your schedule video again Gormo. very enjoyable and as you say with a bit of purpose rather than just circulating. Gives the operator something to test their self with. good stuff. cheers toto
OK, then for me to do the job properly, this forum needs to be able to accept as attachments , spreadsheet files like Excel or Open Office type files as well as JPG, PDF, etc that is currently allowed.