Well, A poor week for progress. In fact no mid week progress at all. I am home early this week as I head off to GlenDochart tomorrow for a long weekend ( until Sunday ) I'll be back in modelling mode tomorrow once I bed in at the caravan. I've just heard back from Glenrothes MRC offering an opportunity to attend their exhibition in May. They previously did not have the space to offer but have managed to squeeze me in if I am still interested. I need to phone them back. I think I will go for it. Paul can't make it on that weekend in question so it looks like I will go it alone. I don't know if they have wifi but I'll find out. If they do ....... I'll take the laptop ....... If they don't, I'll set up the stands and engage with the public and hand out our flyers and business cards. It could be a pretty tiring weekend as there will be nobody to give me a break . I hope the wifi is available as it will make it more interesting being able to take people on a tour of the forum. .......... You lot will need to be on your best behaviour. Meanwhile ...... Back on to the warehouse tomorrow. I'll post up some pictures if I can get a signal. Cheers Toto
Toto wrote: Any excuse, we will be expecting pictures, the flounder is supposed to lead by example I will speak to SWMBO, for the Saturday at Glenrothes, Sunday unfortunately i'm working. Paul
No worries Paul. I can manage it . I'll phone the exhibition manager back tomorrow to check on the wifi. May even visit the venue on Monday when I am home and do a little reconnaissance exercise. The only issue for me will be leaving a laptop unattended if I want to take a leak or something. It's a doddle. Cheers Toto.
...and Chris and I can bring our layouts, all 6 or 7 of them... !! Then again, Gormo and Ian might want to come to, since your paying our way... Cheers, Gary.
Hah!!!.....cattle class. I`m travelling business class because my oldest, newest, bestest, buddy old pal Toto wants me to arrive fresh as a daisy and smelling like roses.......Phew!!! Don`t forget the limo at the airport Toto........I travel light, but I`m not sure Ian does??? http://www.clickGormo
...and here I'm thinking that Toto was going to throw us lot in the back of his van...! Cheers, Gary.
I'll send you all a copy of the travel details guys. I've built enough Scalescenes brick walls to make an extension onto my modest mansion. SWMBO has the man food all taken care of. Hope you all like curries. Well, this weekend was pretty productive with the warehouse build again with some more wall sections being completed. I am going to take a trip to B and Q tomorrow as Paul gas given me a great idea for creating the inner supports. I'll say no more until I've been for it. I'm hoping to have the structure progressed to being a self supporting unit tomorrow with a bit of luck. I did not bother posting more pictures of brick walls ....... There is only so many you can look at. Once I get the walls supported, it'll be onto the roofs and parapet walls etc. it will also need a bit weathering and the like to bring it a bit more to life and hide some wee odds and ends. Stay tuned and I'll report back tomorrow. Cheers for now Toto
Hi, had a change of heart. I am going to utilise my foam board for give some structural stability to the building fronts. I need to look out the hot glue gun now. where did I put it ........ for safe keeping. time to visit the shed. cheers Toto.
I started on the foam board supports. first of all I glued on drain pipes and jointy bits. i then tackled the foam board supports to start getting both the main back walls and the extension walls to come together. First of all some supports. and to the extension building. and they start to be pulled together to give an idea of what the overall structure will look like. and again, looking a bit squint but they are only temporary held for a photo or two at the moment. there will be concrete parpets to go along the top of the upper storeys on both facades and a pitched tiled roof going between. the hot melt glue gun is a wower. burnt me finger and it don't half set quick. No second chances with that bad boy. More progress tomorrow night as I plough on. cheers, as usual any comments ........ feel free. toto
For tomorrow night. Some more supports on the front buildings again to add rigidity and then to take the building around the corner as it will be an L shape or off set to it in order to provide a bit of interest. Then the supports to create the roof sections. Never a dull moment. it seems to be going to plan ....... if I can find it. cheers toto
I get a feeling that Highbridge is going to be taller than its length ! Looking good. When you get to the flat roof, I used Scalescenes TX20 Tarmac, although you could use TX42 Concrete or TX32a Grimey Concrete. Cheers, Gary.
Hi Toto, looking very impressive, and a very large building for oo gauge. (Re strengthening the structure up, because I will need to remove my warehouse for transportation I used some 20mm x 25mm light weight aluminium angle on the top to stiffen the model up and add a handy place to pick the model up from. The lazer cut engine shed also has two pieces on the each side of the base, which has made this a very sturdy structure)Kim
Hi Kim, Certainly sounds like a good idea. The building will get bigger yet as it will take over nearly one side of the layout. It will be a bit of a beast. I'll keep the aluminium angle in mind as I do have some exactly that size as well. Cheers Toto.