Thanks Kevin lack of space in our apartment steered me towards a layout in a case. i am actually excited about the build so watch this space (er dont hold your breath though .. that could be deadly ) Whilst it will have a nice scenic element the main purpose is to have a pla .... ? ... running layout Ian vt
Final item ordered a MRRAILS board mounted steam chuffer unit .. not exactly prototypical but will add to the fun of pla.... ? ... running trains .... cant wait to get started -.. once everything arrives ...
a little progress whilst waiting for mi bits' ... covered the base in strips of self adhesive fine sandpaper (from sell-everything Chinese shop ..€3 for 5 meters) ... it covers the hardboard (I won't be ballasting) and grips the track ...
just arrived so no excuse not to get on with it ... other than the weather's hot and the bee's cold and I've still got a full bottle of Rioja vino tinto ....mmmm ....
Backscene sorted (id self adhesive n gauge) its on a piece of hardboard (blackboard from Chinese sell everything shop on our street €3.50 ) I had to layer it as it was only 9'' high but quite pleased with the result
2 of the 5 point motors in .. relatively simple as they just fit ... would finish the others but its Friday and tinto calls ... ...
Thanks Bernie only took 6 years to come up with someone else's idea ... anyway decided to stick with it and fit all 5 point motors ... next the points .. then testing and then track .. they're not surface mounted, shown is the underside of the baseboard .. also the new final final final trackplan ... as i will be running an autocoach the station will work (if it doesn't the vino tinto will... i'm using the KISS principle ...
ok so i hit a problem ... its how we learn ... where the points are joined back to back i had a problem getting the motor rod through the tie bar and in fact damaged a point ... so not wishing to b**** up another one, I have now decided to insert a section of curved track between them ... in fact it could be a happy accident as the curves are not so tight . so ... this is my final final final ... maybe ... trackplan ... I could have two continues ovals but reckon I get more pla ... run value by having extra sidings ..
Point motors tested .. points glued down .. next track and test runs ... had to revert to a previous trackplan (see below) as although the last one looked good it didn't work practically ... more droppers to fit when remaining track goes down
One step at a time ... first piece of flexi track down ... seemed to work ok but will test it again when the glue has set cos it moves and stuff ... bit awkward what with the tightness of the curve but I've got vino tinto on standby ...only one more to do then the others will be easy as they only have one end to join[ ..
Simpñe but effective ... 2 crib boards (spotted in charity shop 2€ each) screwed to board ... it enables me to work on track etc above or wiring below without damaging point motors etc and as they are hinged i can set them up for different jobs ...
Track laid ... a bit of stuttering across the points but not serious ... the loco wants runnin g in so once the other 5/8ths is out shopping I'll run it round for an hour ... also the board will be lowered 4cm