This Walthers kit was originally going to be used as part of the colliery site very much as the original kit, but I have since found a great deal of information on Welsh and English collieries that I will now use to scratchbuild all the buildings to the same style as each other. This meant this building would have looked out of place, but the dockside location suits it perfectly with modifications to chutes and stairways. It is now modified from supplying 3 rail tracks of wagons and lorry loading hoppers to a dockside facility. The rear ground level doors have been opened out to accept 4mm scale 6 wheel coal lorries to pass through left to right for loading. Track path 1 is now the return path for loaded lorries. Track path 2 is for sifted out spoil and any other debris to be dropped into railway hopper wagons for disposal. Track path 3 now overhangs the dockside with two chutes angled out to load coal barges. Left hand stairway has the addition of a landing with the steps going back to the dockside. The first 4 images show the building and the 5th shows it in place but not yet bedded in, with the conveyor coming off the hillside via a scratchbuilt transfer house. The shelf for the 'water' is yet to be put in place. Jim Return to Warren Yard ( The Layout )
That is a seriously big building, more worryingly is I think I have one in the todo box. Nice build Jim Paul
Thanks Paul. It goes together pretty well, just make sure all is well aligned from the start, I assemble on a sheet of glass with the aid of a square block of metal. The mitred joints fit well but the support frames attached to the underside of the building need a bit of packing out to fit snugly into their slots. The next one out of my todo box is Valley Cement for which I am adding extra buildings and silos to fill in some of the simplifications made to a cement plant by Walthers, I did not realise cement manufacture was so complex until I consulted 'Mr Google'. Colliery and mining either, that follows the cement works. Jim
Sure, the incoming conveyor assembles in two sections to reach approx 12ins, I needed 14ins so I built the transfer house, the truck loading building is moving to the cement works but the kit includes a smaller conveyor to link it to the tippler building, probably about 6-7ins long. The other dimensions are shown below in a scan of the box wrapper :-