Mossys 3D Models

Discussion in 'Workshop Benches' started by Mossy, May 19, 2022.

  1. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    Now they looks good!
  2. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020
    Sunday - day off so more fiddling with incomplete models.

    First up a B3 Plate Wagon. Essentially a B1 low side stretched out to 25' over headstocks. Almost pure NER, opposite side opposite wheel single brakes, both left and right hand brake levers, type 2A grease axles, full drop sides. Looking at the dates, this was drawn when I was a Fusion virgin and remarkably it was pretty good, a couple of minor fixes done and one that I have just spotted left to do. It has circular brake push rods not the normal rectangular ones. Another for the print queue.

    Full Body.jpg

    The second a V5 Ballast Brake. This one was an epic, trying to get the ballast plough right was a complete nightmare, but when I checked it this afternoon most of the bodies I had obviously completed and forgotten where it was up to, but which wally drew the brake gear? I drew it as if was completely standard and guess what it isn't, so that needs reworking. It's got this far for now:

    Body and Chassis.jpg

    Snow Plough new.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
  3. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    Some impressive artwork there!
    I’m awaiting from 2 different people some artwork for 6wheel NSR coaches. One promised it me months ago and think he’s forgot (he was going to send it when he got home from work!) so hoping Paul comes up trumps! May be a project for me to try. Need to fathom this working from a drawing lark instead of just creating shapes and editing to size! :avatar:
    paul_l and Rob Pulham like this.
  4. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020

    The two bodies along with the basic plough I am happy with, but the more I study the lifting mechanism I'm less sure about it. It's the age old problem of not knowing the mechanics and trying to translate 2 views set at 90 degrees to one another into a viable 3d shape. I think I have suggested it before, if you want a basic lesson in sucking in a drawing, calibrating and setting up the basics I'm happy to do one, just find a slot when your free.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
  5. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020
    I loved Ron's Coaling an LMS loco and strangely in the wee early mornings when SWMBO is still sleeping and I am not called upon to wallpaper, paint or emulsion I have been playing on fusion with an NER Q2 loco coal wagon. Started before Ron's posting but using only a very simplistic drawing and 3 oblique photos it's pretty much as good as I can get it. One thing that has stumped me is which NER axle box it was fitted with, hopefully Tom Burnham will see this posting and supply an answer, for now it's been put aside in an incomplete state.

  6. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    And he’s back..
    How I’ve missed these posts!
  7. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020
    Only briefly Andy tomorrow the Lounge carpet which is 2 weeks old is being replaced by one the correct colour and the hall stairs and landing also get their new carpeting. Then all the stuff stashed around the house needs fishing out and put back where it should be, that's a weeks work although the 6 till 8 Fusion sessions will continue if I can find a good subject.

    Any thoughts on a nice subject and none of this modern (post 1900) stuff some of us like being in the dark ages!!!!!!
    paul_l and Andy_Sollis like this.
  8. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    I’m still awaiting the 6 wheel coach designs… which lasted at least 50 years after your cut off date, but I think Paul may be busy with family business at the moment sadly and the other person who said they would send them must have forgot.

    there is always the tyres block instrument artwork? lol
  9. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Hi Guys, not quite family stuff, but have started a 3D print company with John Duffy, initially for Scottish PO wagons, but that may change.

    Scottish Wagon Works

    Our first wagon is the R.Y. Pickering 15 foot, 9ft wheel base 10 ton 6 plank Private Trader wagon, now available in 7mm and body only in 4mm. However we had a request for a Gauge 3 wagon, and boy do they look good.

    That and we seem to be getting a lot of spam membership requests, averaging over 40 per day, which by the time I've validated and rejected the request, my free time has gone.

    Hopefully will get back to normal soon.

    jakesdad13 and Andy_Sollis like this.
  10. Andy_Sollis

    Andy_Sollis Staff Member Moderator

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    Aug 4, 2018
    Wow.. looks impressive and that's just the start..

    Good luck !
  11. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    Thanks Andy
  12. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020

    Are you hijacking my thread for free advertising, tu tu tu!
    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  13. paul_l

    paul_l Staff Member Administrator

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    Dec 5, 2015
    erm ..... no, hence the very quiet nature of my comments, and the hosting costs for platform1mrc would certainly not bee counted as free :eek: :avatar:
  14. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020
    First prints post decorating frenzy (I'm told phase 2 will be starting quite soon) a tiny NER 8 ton gunpowder van. Sadly a couple of tiny human bloopers which have been fixed so the body is now being reprinted. All I need now is rake of empty ironstone wagons to run with it back to the mine.

    Gunpowder 1.jpg Gunpowder 2.jpg
    Rob Pulham and Andy_Sollis like this.
  15. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020
    I've been a bit quite for the last few weeks, just simply not enough hours in a day and to many household jobs. Finally the boss has declared an interlude so I have actually got some time to print and assemble things. Just to cap it all the big printer has gone on the blink and I have been communing with Anycubic on a solution and frankly getting gibberish replies.

    So what happening in the mossy build.

    The little G3 Gunpowder van above now exists:

    G3 Gunpowder Van.jpg

    I have also drawn and printed the updated version of a C2 open which becomes the C9. By upgrading the running gear and adding an extra plank the capacity jumped from 8/10 tons to 12 tons. For comparison C2 above C9 below, same length over buffer etc, just the extra height of the added plank.

    C2 Wagon.jpg C9 Wagon.jpg

    Finally the very annoying but challenging bit. Last year I drew and built an S1 iron stone hopper designed in the 1850's still on the go at group and the last ones died out in the 1950's. The problem I had was did it have a floor or not, after much fat chewing I decided to go for it, so both mine assembled one and Rob P's to be build one have floor. A few weeks ago it was recommended I had a look at two videos on the O Gauge Youtube channel. The first was a build of an S1 and within a few minutes there is was - NO FLOOR and the whole of the underframe and buffer springing on full view. The question was what changes would I need to make to mine to get it back to reality. I don't have a drawing but repeated viewing of the video showed it had 4 transverse cross members, and 5 longitudinal members(these were cut away where the hopper body dropped through the chassis. Also the buffer/coupling spring was vary prominent and would be need to be modelled. Applying best guess logic I have come up with this which looks pretty close to that viewed in the video. Viewed from above and most of it very visible with the hopper in place, Printing will start as soon as the C9 print has finished.

    Revamped Chassis.jpg

    The next very obvious question which I fear I know the answer to is did the S4 hopper (a 20 ton big brother to the tiny 8 ton S1) also have all it's underneath exposed? My drawn but not printed S4 is going to need revision I think.
    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  16. Rob Pulham

    Rob Pulham Happily making models Staff Member Administrator Feature Contributor

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    Sep 15, 2017
    The next very obvious question which I fear I know the answer to is did the S4 hopper (a 20 ton big brother to the tiny 8 ton S1) also have all it's underneath exposed?

    I would say yes, they may have had step plates on either end but I can see no reason why they would waste steel on anything that wasn't load bearing.

    The LNER built 20 ton hoppers had step plates on either end but the rest was open.

    The gunpowder wagon looks superb.

    I am almost at the end of the Princess build, so I should be able to get on painting your wagons fairly soon.
    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  17. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020

    The gunpowder van is a copy of one sold by Furness Railways, I have their etch brass and cast resin kit, but seeing all the rivets that needed punching I have put it to one side and will at some time put it on ethief to see if I can recover some of the cost. Interestingly Marc refers to it as a G3 van, yet there is no mention of a G3 gunpowder van in either the 1891 or 1905 wagon diagram books.

    As for the 20 ton hoppers I came to the same conclusion as you and have started fiddling about. I have found a sketch which purports to show the under framing, but it doesn't seem to correlate with the side and end sketches I have. Confused of Leeds would best describe my current state which isn't helped by giving up the smokes after 56b years, but that's another story all together!
    jakesdad13 and Andy_Sollis like this.
  18. Rob Pulham

    Rob Pulham Happily making models Staff Member Administrator Feature Contributor

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    Sep 15, 2017
    I wonder if it was built later than that, perhaps during the war? Presumably there would have been great need for gunpowder vans during the war.

    Re the Furness kit, presumably the rivets are on the strapping strips. I wonder why they designed them to be pressed out rather than half etched. Kit designers...
    Andy_Sollis likes this.
  19. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020
    According to the writeup with the FRWC kit, 1 of 3 NER designs (the early one in the 1891 wagon book and the G8 in the 1905 volume 2 produced around grouping time being the other two) 8 built in 1891 and a further 8 later with a slightly higher roof line later, As for it not being in the 1905 wagon book, I am going to blame nicotine withdrawals, yes it is,

    No the rivets are not on strips, the whole body is designed like a fold up box, floor, sides and end being a single etch, rivets punched out from behind.

    FRWC etch.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
    Rob Pulham and Andy_Sollis like this.
  20. Mossy

    Mossy A classic grump Yorkshire man Full Member

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    Sep 8, 2020
    First test print of the revamped S1 hopper with all components dry fitted, I missed the fact that the footstep had dropped down:


    Sprung buffers/couplings and 3 point suspension out of the question now, but I prefer accuracy and unlikely it's to run anywhere. Now back to trying to work out the S4 underframe!
    Andy_Sollis and Rob Pulham like this.

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