Just a quick intro as to who I am. My name is Alan Worthington and I have been interested in model railways ever since my dad bought me a Triang Winston Churchill and a jinty in 1964. I am buiding a layout of Southall in 00 and progress has been steady. The layout is 23ft x 8ft and i am trying to put as many features in as possible. I will post pics to show you my handy work. Could some one explain to me how to put pics on my posts. Thank you Regards Alan
Hi Alan I'm sure one of our fine mods will explain all (I'm not as Lucid as those scholars) .... when they get out of bed that is. Welcome by the way. Ian
Hi Alan great to see you on here. There is a brief explanation of uploading and putting Images in your post in the 'Hints and tips' section on the front page. also look for the 'Getting you started article stickied to the top of the Recent topics page ( Its the same as the article in hints and tips ). If you still need a bit of help pop a post here again and I'll talk you through it Cheers Matt
Hi Alan, I'll take the opportunity to welcome you here just in case you don't open up a thread in our welcome thread for new members at the top of the page. It would be appreciated if you could just to let all the members welcome you in our usual friendly way but I'll leave that up to yourself. It's great to have you on board, get your feet under the table and find your way about. As Matt said, if you can't make sense of the gallery guide on the hints and tips, come back and you'll be offered as much help as you require to get your confidence up with it. I'll look forward to seeing your layout up here soon. We appreciate we are just going into the silly season :frosty: so take your time. I still have to get anything meaningful posted up myself and the guilt is starting to drip off me. Cheers for now Toto
Hello 1 and all, juast a few pics of progress so far on my layout of southall. the pics are of the road bridge looking towards Paddington, the footbridge, oil depot and a 2nd hand signal box please comment or advise and even criticise( if you want) regards Alan
Hello again Here is an ariel shot of my layout any questions please ask http://www.click Regards Alan
WOW ! Alan that last shot really brings it into perspective, That is one big layout !! Is this for exhibition or are you knocking two rooms into one to be able to assemble it Looks like a decent run for some nice long trains as well What other Features are you hoping to include ? A TMD ? Diesel depot or are you sticking mainly to the station complex ? Looking forward to seeing this one develope Alan http://www.click Cheers Matt
Hello Matt, I am hoping I will be invited to exhibitions in the near future, as for the tmd that would have made the board over 4ft wide so I had to leave it off. the tmd would be off to the left as you look at the photo. I am a great believer in allowing locos to stretch their legs and a 4-6-2 looks silly with only 3 coaches on. I can run 6 car trains for my expresses.
i'll look forward to seeing your progress Alan. I must admit the last exhibition I attended was disappointing in the fact that the largest layout had nothing moving just about the whole time we were there ! Cheers Matt
Hello everyone, sorry for not being a regular poster but I've been a busy bee working on backscenes and low releif buildings. Here are 3 pics of my efforts. Enjoy. comments advice crticisms welcome Regards Alan
Hi Alan, Fantastic modelling. I like the foot bridge with the fancy ironwork. And the main bridge with the platform access is terrific. Nice to see it all coming along. Well done Cheers Toto
Hello Toto, Thank you for your comments they are much appreciated. My next posting will be all 4 scenic boards together so it may have to be a short video as to get all boards in shot. Regards Alan
Thats coming together really well Alan, good work on the back scenes, whats up next on your to do list ? Cheers Matt
Hello Mattc 6911, On the bench ready for primer are 4 more station canopies which are laser cut plywood kits by The Greenwood. Already built painted and fitted 2 of these kits,they are simple and easy to build. Regards Alan
Hi Alan, I have some of Greenwoods kits. Canopies and platforms. Not built them yet but they look very straight forward and robust. Your layout is coming on a treat. Keep up the excellent work. Cheers Toto
Hello Toto, just found your reply, must learn to check for other pages . They are simple but effective kits and when built they look the part. I used PVA glue to stick them together. I used their canopies as they are the nearest to the ones at Southall. Regards Alan: facepalm:
No worries, I do the same by forgetting the other pages. Then before you know it you real use that you've missed half a dozen posts. Looked back at your outdoor shot, boy, that's some size but will allow for impressive trains to be used. I hope you've managed to press gang another three or four operators for when this comes live. Great stuff. Toto
Hello Toto, At the moment I have 3 confirmed operators, 1 possible and anyone else who I can press gang, persuade or bribe ( food & drink). The Idea of such a big layout is this, I am a great believer in big 4-6-0/2's or any thing bigger in pulling an appropriate train. I can run 6 car passenger trains as normal with the exception of the Pullman set which is 8 ( I would have to check on the number of Pullmans I have) and freight can be 12 wagons plus a 15 Esso tank wagon and 15 UD milk wagon train. I have never had the whole layout up and running so I don't know if it will work but I know that when 2 boards are connected it seems to work. my next major task is to check my wiring as I'm no genius with electrics it will be fun. Sorry for the long winded reply. Regards Alan
G'day Alan, Great to see Southall here. You have certainly made some progress with your layout. Keep up the great work. Cheers, Gary.